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1 files changed, 7 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/it_dbi.class b/it_dbi.class
index 95eb18a..9207b63 100644
--- a/it_dbi.class
+++ b/it_dbi.class
@@ -422,10 +422,12 @@ function read($id=null)
* Select a set of records from table and fetch the first one
* @param $query Optional array of (field => value) or (int => sqlstring) pairs. Defaults to null (select all records)
- * Can contain magic field 'SELECT' for things like 'COUNT(*)' or 'DISTINCT foo', defaults to '*'
- * Can contain magic field 'JOIN' for things like 'tableA LEFT JOIN tableB ON a=b', defaults to table name
- * If magic field 'CALC_FOUND_ROWS' is true, sets member var _found_rows to number of matching rows without LIMIT
- * If magic field 'NOFETCH' is true, then the first row is not prefetched (e.g. when directly using _result)
+ * Fields are joined by AND
+ * Fields can contain a compare operator, e.g. 'name LIKE' or 'amount >'
+ * $query can contain magic field 'SELECT' for things like 'COUNT(*)' or 'DISTINCT foo', defaults to '*'
+ * $query can contain magic field 'JOIN' for things like 'tableA LEFT JOIN tableB ON a=b', defaults to table name
+ * $query can contain 'CALC_FOUND_ROWS', if true member var _found_rows contains number of matching rows without LIMIT
+ * $query can contain 'NOFETCH', if true the first row is not prefetched (e.g. when directly using _result)
* @return Number of matching rows, use iterate() to fetch the next record
* @see it_dbi::iterate(), it_dbi::_where()
@@ -480,7 +482,7 @@ function select($query = null)
- * Iterate through select()ed records
+ * Puts next result from previous select() in member variables
* @return true if another record was fetched, false if no more records
* @see it_dbi::select()