class it_text
var $actlanguage; # Selected language
var $defaultlanguage; # Browser language
var $languages = array(); # Active languages
var $languages_available = array(); # Available languages
var $statictext = array(); # Text array, read from php file on init
var $label_to_service = array(); # which label belongs to which service - only used for debug parameter texts
var $allowedfuncs;
var $p; # Constructor Parameters
* Constructor
* Loads all texts.php in include path for translated labels. Singleton; if instanciated mutiple times, texts are merged
* Example texts.php: array('en'=>"English", 'de'=>"Deutsch"), 'edit'=>array('en'=>"Edit", 'de'=>("Editieren")));
* @param $p['fallbacklanguage'] optional language to use for undefined texts (useful for partially translated projects)
* @param $p['forcelanguage'] optional language to use instead of user's preferred language
* @param $p['global'] store text object in global it_text for global functions (default: true)
* @param $p['phpfile'] optional texts file(s), default: all texts.php in include path
* @param $p['phpfiles'] text files to load in addition to $p['phpfile'] (Note: $p['phpfile'] defaults to all texts.php files in include path)
* @param $p['transmogrifiers'] comma separated functions that may be called by using {foo:bar} (foo will be called with bar as argument) in T()
function __construct($p = array())
if (!$p['phpfile'])
# Find all texts.php in path (abs path in case we need to save)
foreach (explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, ini_get('include_path')) as $dir)
if (file_exists($phpfile = "$dir/texts.php"))
$p['phpfiles'][] = $phpfile;
$this->p = ($p += (array)$GLOBALS['it_text_defaultconfig'] + array(
'global' => true,
'phpfiles' => array_unique(array_merge((array)$p['phpfiles'], (array)$p['phpfile'])),
$this->allowedfuncs = array_flip(explode(",", $p['transmogrifiers']));
# Read and merge texts from php files if none defined yet
foreach ($p['phpfiles'] as $phpfile)
$this->statictext += ($ret = include($phpfile));
if ($GLOBALS['debug_texts'])
$service = strpos($phpfile, $GLOBALS['ULTRAHOME']) !== false ? '' : it::match('/www/([^/.]+)', $phpfile);
$this->label_to_service += array_combine(array_keys($ret), array_fill(0, count($ret), $service));
# Get array of supported languages and their names
$this->languages_available = (array)$this->statictext['_'];
foreach ($this->languages_available as $code => $languagename)
# Only use a language in browser detection below if it's not disabled by a leading '-'
if (substr($languagename, 0, 1) != '-')
$this->languages[$code] = $languagename;
if (!$this->actlanguage)
$this->initlang($code); # failsafe lang
# Set our default language according to browser preference
foreach (explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) as $code)
if ($this->initlang($code) || $this->initlang(substr($code, 0, 2))) # lang from browser/lang group from browser
$this->defaultlanguage = $this->actlanguage;
$this->initlang(it::match('\.([a-z]{2})\.[^./]+$', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); # lang from url override
$this->initlang($p['forcelanguage']); # programmer override
# Create empty array to activate sampling; dont kill any existing one
if (it::is_devel() || rand(1, $_POST ? 10 : 100) == 1)
$GLOBALS['it_text_sampling'] = (array)$GLOBALS['it_text_sampling'];
# Make this object available under $GLOBALS['it_text'], or add my texts to $GLOBALS['it_text'] if it exists
if ($p['global'])
if (!$GLOBALS['it_text'])
$GLOBALS['it_text'] =& $this;
$GLOBALS['it_text']->statictext += $this->statictext;
# internal: overwrite language setting if code is valid, return success
function initlang($code)
if ($this->languages[$code])
$this->actlanguage = $code;
return $this->languages[$code];
* Instanciate singleton if necessary
static function init()
if (!$GLOBALS['it_text'])
new it_text;
* INTERNAL function for T(): : Return translated text in the selected language
function text($label, $language = null)
if (!$language)
$language = $this->actlanguage;
$text = $this->statictext[$label][$language];
if (!isset($text))
$text = $this->statictext[$label][$this->p['fallbacklanguage']];
if (!isset($text))
$text = "1, 'skipfiles'=>"text|auto_prepend")) . ")") . "'>" . Q($label) . ".";
it::error(array('title'=>"unknown label $label language $language - see /tmp/alertdata/alertlog", 'backtraceskip'=>2, 'blockmail'=>21600));
if ($GLOBALS['debug_texts'] && !preg_match('/submit|button|servicedomain|_txt/i', $label) && (!$_GET['it_texts_mark'] || $label == $_GET['it_texts_mark']))
$text = "1, 'skipfiles'=>"text|auto_prepend")) . ')">' . ($text ? $text : $label) . " '.'], U(it::replace(['^///' => '/'], '//' . $this->label_to_service[$label] . '/admin/texts'), ['edit' => $label])) . '">.';
if (isset($GLOBALS['it_text_sampling']))
$GLOBALS['it_text_sampling'][$label] = true;
return $text;
* INTERNAL function for ET(): Return translated text with values replaced
function etext($label, $values = null, $language = null, $allowmarking = true)
return self::transmogrify($this->text($label, $language), $values, $label, $this->allowedfuncs, $allowmarking);
* INTERNAL function for T_set_language()
function set_language($language)
$this->actlanguage = is_scalar($language) && $this->languages_available[$language] ? $language : $this->defaultlanguage;
* INTERNAL function for T_lang(): Get active language
function get_language()
return $this->actlanguage;
* INTERNAL function for T_defaultlang(): get lang that would used without url overrides
function get_defaultlanguage()
return $this->defaultlanguage;
* INTERNAL function for T_exists(): Check if a text entry for a specific label exists
function text_exists($label, $language = null)
return (isset($this->statictext[$label][isset($language) ? $language : $this->actlanguage]) || $this->p['fallbacklanguage'] && isset($this->statictext[$label][$this->p['fallbacklanguage']])) ? $label : false;
* Create / overwrite a text in the selected language. Call dump_php() to make the change permanent.
* @param $label Label of text to change
* @param $text New text to set
* @param $language Optional language that is to be manipulated
function set($label, $text = null, $language = null)
if (!isset($language))
$language = $this->actlanguage;
$this->statictext[$label][$language] = $text;
* Replaces variables of the form {obj.var} with value from $values, e.g. {user.name}, or result of a func, e.g. {LU(//www/terms)}
* NOTE: Invalid object names or non-existing variables are simply deleted.
static function transmogrify($text, $values = null, $label = null, $allowedfuncs = null, $allowmarking = true)
# EDC('u', $allowmarking, $text);
foreach (preg_split('#{([^}]*)}#', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE) as $i => $part)
if ($i % 2) # odd offsets are delimiters, i.e. braces to be replaced
if (it::match('^[\w.]+$', $part))
$value = $values ? $values : $GLOBALS;
foreach (explode(".", $part) as $key)
$value = is_object($value) ? $value->$key : $value[$key];
if ($value === null && $values && $label) # do not test in $GLOBALS mode
it::error(array('title' => "No value given for text variable {" . $key ."} in label $label", 'backtraceskip' => 3));
$value = (list($func, $arg) = it::match('^([\w:]+)\((.*)\)$', $part)) && isset($allowedfuncs[$func]) ? $func($arg) : "{" . $part . "}";
$result .= $GLOBALS['debug_texts'] && $allowmarking ? "$value" : $value;
$result .= $part;
return $result;
* Re-create php text file from $this->statictext
* @return true if successful, false if not (usually if file is not writeable by user www)
function dump_php()
$result = false;
# Special sorting: natural, but _ is the first entry
uksort($this->statictext, "strnatcmp");
$this->statictext = array_merge(['_' => $this->statictext['_']], $this->statictext);
$oldmask = umask(002);
$filename = $this->p['phpfiles'][0];
if ((count($this->p['phpfiles']) == 1))
foreach ($this->statictext as $label => $texts)
$dump .= var_export($label, true) . " => [\n";
foreach ($texts as $lang => $text)
$dump .= " " . var_export($lang, true) . " => " . var_export($text, true) . ",\n";
$dump .= "],\n";
$result = it::file_put_contents($filename, "