. ** ** itjs.class - functions to handle javascript inclusion */ class itjs { /** * Send HTTP headers (content-type) to transmit javascript code */ static function send_headers($charset = null) { if (!$charset) $charset = ini_get('default_charset') ?: 'iso-8859-1'; @header("Content-Type: application/x-javascript; charset=$charset"); } /** * Send HTTP headers (content-type) to send json * $p['maxage'] Number of seconds the content is valid for without verification [30] */ static function json_headers($p = []) { $p += ['charset' => ini_get('default_charset') ?: 'iso-8859-1', 'maxage' => 30]; @header("Content-Type: application/json; charset=" . $p['charset']); if ($p['maxage']) @header("Cache-Control: max-age=" . $p['maxage']); } /** * json_encode the result with options suitable for using as javascript source code * @param $values Array with values to be serialized * @return String with javascript code to be sent to client */ static function serialize($values) { return json_encode($values, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_HEX_TAG | (it::is_devel() ? JSON_PRETTY_PRINT : 0)); } /** * Convert UNTRUSTED comma separated filelist string to trusted local filenames. Missing files are ignored. */ static function filenames($filelist) { $result = array(); $local = $GLOBALS['ULTRAHOME'] . "/itjs"; $itjs = "/www/server/phpinclude/itools/itjs"; $libsearch = strlen($GLOBALS['debug_lib']) > 1 ? "/www/lib-" . $GLOBALS['debug_lib'] . ".search.ch" : "/www/lib.search.ch"; $deprecated = array( "itools" => "$itjs/it.js,$itjs/http.js,$itjs/loader.js,$itjs/state.js,$itjs/timer.js", "boot.js" => "$itjs/boot.js", ); $special = array( "error.gif" => "$itjs/error.gif", "search.css" => "$libsearch/doc/search.css", "prettyprint.css" => "$libsearch/doc/prettyprint.css", ); foreach (it::match("[-\w.=?&]+", basename($filelist), array('all' => true)) as $file) # split by comma but ignore illegal chars { if ($deprecated[$file]) continue; $filenames = $special[$file] ?: (file_exists("$local/" . it::match('^[^?]*', $file)) ? "$local/$file" : "$libsearch/itjs/$file"); foreach (explode(",", $filenames) as $filename) if (!$seen[$filename]++ && file_exists(($fn = it::match('^[^?]*', $filename))) && is_file($fn)) $result[] = $filename; } return $result; } /** * Return content of (php-interpreted by default) TRUSTED filenames that will be sent to client. Files must exist. */ static function filecontents($filenames) { foreach ($filenames as $filename) { ob_start(); # Needs to capture inside loop to guarantee file order if (!($_GET['w3c'] && it::match('jquery-ui.css|owl.carousel.css|mobiscroll.custom|hopscotch.css|leaflet.css|-svg.css', $filename))) # BLACKLIST { $origget = $_GET; list($filename, $paramstr) = explode("?", $filename); if ($paramstr) $_GET = it::parse_str($paramstr); $result .= rtrim(it::replace(array('^1$' => ""), it::match('\.(js|css|htc|html)$', $filename) ? include_once($filename) : (file_exists($filename) ? it::file_get_contents($filename) : it_url::get($filename)), array('utf8' => false))) . "\n"; $_GET = $origget; } $result .= ob_get_clean(); } return $result; } /** * Strip comments and trim lines * @param $code String containing javascript code to be stripped * @return Naked code */ static function strip($code) { if (!it::is_devel()) $code = preg_replace(array( '|\s//.*$|m', '|\s+/\*.*?\*/|s', # MUST require at least one space before /* (jquery.js) but MUST NOT require space before */ (searchmap.js) '|^\s+|m' ), array(), $code); if (EDC('print')) $code = it::replace(array('@media\s+print' => '@media screen, print'), $code); return $code; } /** * Compute checksum for list of files * @param $fnlist Either comma separated UNTRUSTED url (will check itjs/ and lib.search.ch/itjs/) or array of TRUSTED filenames * @param $p['short_expire'] Check filemtime and generate short expires for new files * @param $p['additional_data'] Additional data to be included in checksum * @return Checksum for given files */ static function checksum($fnlist, $p = array()) { $p += array('short_expire' => true); $filenames = array(); foreach (is_array($fnlist) ? $fnlist : itjs::filenames($fnlist) as $filename) $filenames[] = !file_exists($filename) && file_exists($t = it::replace(array('^/www/[^/]*' => "/www/lib.search.ch"), $filename)) ? $t : $filename; $additional = json_encode($p['additional_data']); $key = "itjs_" . md5(implode("", it::map('"$v" . @filemtime("$v")', $filenames)) . $additional); if ($filenames && $p['short_expire'] && (time() - max(@array_map('filemtime', $filenames)) < 60)) return "-"; # trigger short expire, our file may not yet be up to date on other slaves else if ($filenames) return it_cache::get($key) ?: it_cache::put($key, substr(md5("cloun" . self::filecontents($filenames) . $additional), 0, 10), array('ttl' => 60)); } /** * Convert url or TRUSTED local path to url that triggers far future expire by appending c=checksum */ static function crcurl($url, $p = array()) { if (it::match('^(http|//)', $url)) # remote url, must fetch to crc list($fn, $short_expire) = array(it_url::get_cache(array('url' => $url, 'maxage' => 3600, 'id' => "itjs_crcurl") + $p), false); else list($fn, $short_expire) = array(($m = it::match("^//(\w+)(/.*)", $url)) ? "/www/$m[0].search.ch" . $m[1] : $GLOBALS['ULTRAHOME'] . "/doc$url", true);; return it::match('#', $url) ? U(trim($url, "#")) : U($url, array('c' => self::checksum(array($fn), array('short_expire' => $short_expire)))); } # $p['nocrc'] means no $_REQUEST['c'] is needed for far future expire static function far_future_headers($p = array()) { $crc = $_REQUEST['c'] ?: $_REQUEST['s']; if ($crc != "-" && !$_SERVER['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'] && $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] && !it::is_devel() && !$_REQUEST['retry']) { header("HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified"); # client should always keep the component that fits the page it has exit; } if ($crc != "-") @header("Etag: alwaysvalid"); # we have checksums in the url. client should always keep the version he downloaded along with the html if (it::is_live() && !$_REQUEST['retry']) { $keeptime = $crc == "-" ? 0 : ($crc || $p['nocrc'] ? 30*86400 : 900); # long expire if checksum present $private = it::match('Googlebot|Bingbot|Slurp|DuckDuckBot', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? "public" : "private"; header("Cache-Control: max-age=$keeptime, $private"); # proxies should not cache since contents of same url can differ between browsers header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $keeptime). " GMT"); } } } ?>