Class it_url:

 * Store contents of url in a file and return file name. Threadsafe: Provides locking. Called statically.
 * Requires webserver writeable directory in $p['cachdedir']. Sends it::error on fails by default. Params:
 * @param $p['url']         url to get
 * @param $p['id']          dirname for cached files; same id should have same expire policy
 * @param $p['headers']     optional array of HTTP headers to send
 * @param $p['cachedir']    directory to store cache files in, @see get_cache_dir
 * @param $p['timeout']     timeout in seconds, default 10. fractions allowed
 * @param $p['maxage']      maximum age of cache entries in seconds, default 23 hours. id mandatory if given
 * @param $p['randomexpire'] chance to randomly expunge an entry, 0..1
 * @param $p['cleanbefore'] maximum seconds since midnight when initiating expire, default 10800
 * @param $p['preprocess']  callback function (or array for methods) to change received file or array('function' => ..., 'in' => $src, 'out' => $dst, ...) with callback function plus args
 * @param $p['safety']      DEPRECATED. see $p['it_error']
 * @param $p['it_error']    parameters for it::error(), false means ignore errors, anything else gets passed to it::error() if errors occur
 * @param $p['keepfailed']  keep old versions of files if download fails
 * @param $p['returnheaders'] Return array($path, $headers) instead of simply $path
 * @param $p['postprocess'] UNSUPPORTED, use ::get_cache_contents
 * @param $p['lock']        prevent multiple requests to same url from different processes [true]
 * @return Cache filename or false if fetch failed
static function get_cache($p = array())
    if (!$p['id'] && $p['maxage'])
        it::error("calling get_cache with maxage and without id");

    $p += ['timeout' => 10, 'maxage' => 23 * 3600, 'cleanbefore' => 10800, 'lock' => true, 'it_error' => $p['safety'] === 0 ? false : ($p['safety'] == 2 ? ['fatal' => true] : [])];
    $p['totaltimeout'] = $p['timeout'];
    $path = it_url::get_cache_filename($p);    # Must be before changing cachedir below
    $p['cachedir'] = it_url::get_cache_dir($p);


    if (!is_writable(dirname($path)))
        it::error("parent dir not writable: " . trim(it::exec('ls -ld {dir} 2>&1', ['dir' => dirname($path)])));

    if (($filemtime = it_url::_expired($path, $p['maxage'], $p['randomexpire'])) || ($p['returnheaders'] && !file_exists(("$path.json")))) # Outdated(non-zero int) or non-existant(true)?
        $fileexists = $filemtime !== true;

        if ($lock = !$p['lock'] ?: it_url::_lock($path, $p))
            # Touch existing file to prevent locking other getters while refreshing
            if ($fileexists)

            EDC('getcache', "new", $filemtime, $p['url'], $path);
            $url = new it_url;
            $data = $url->_get($p + ['checkonly' => true, 'filemtime' => EDC('nocache') ? null : $filemtime]);
            if ($p['assoc'] ? ($data['status'] < 500 || $data['data']) : $data)
                $success = true;
                $isnewfile = it_url::_atomicwrite($path, $p['assoc'] ? ($data['status'] === 304 ? true : it::json_encode($data)) : $data);    # $data === true means not modified (no new data fetched) and instructs _atomicwrite to just touch the file
                if ($p['returnheaders'])
                    it::file_put("$path.json", it::json_encode($url->headers));
            else if ($p['keepfailed'])
                $success = $fileexists;
                @unlink($path);    # Expired and failed to get

            it_url::_unlock($path, $lock);
            # Wait for file currently being transferred
            EDC('getcache', "wait", $p['url'], $path);
            $success = it_url::_waitforlockedfile($path, $p);

            # If file could no be fetched by other thread but exists and we are in keepfailed mode then return old file
            if (!$success && $p['keepfailed'])
                $success = $fileexists;

        # Get file from cache
        EDC('getcache', "cached", $p['url'], $path);
        $success = true;    # Up to date

    # Read headers before $path is modified for preprocessing
    if ($p['returnheaders'])
        $headers = it::json_decode(it::file_get("$path.json"), ['assoc' => true]);

    if ($success && $p['preprocess'])
        $srcpath = $path;
        $path .= substr(md5(serialize($p['preprocess'])), 0, 2);

        if ($filemtime = $isnewfile ? true : it_url::_expired($path, $p['maxage']))    # Outdated(non-zero int) or non-existant(true)?
            if ($lock = !$p['lock'] ?: it_url::_lock($path, $p))
                # Touch existing file to prevent locking other getters while refreshing
                if ($filemtime !== true)

                EDC('getcache', "processnew", $p['url'], $path);
                $dstpath = "$path.preprocesstmp";

                if (is_array($p['preprocess']) && $p['preprocess']['function'])    # Needs is_array as it can be a string where dereferencing gives first character!
                    $p['preprocess']['function'](['in' => $srcpath, 'out' => $dstpath] + $p['preprocess']);
                    $p['preprocess']($srcpath, $dstpath);

                if (!($success = @filesize($dstpath) && @rename($dstpath, $path)))
                    if (!$p['keepfailed'])
                    $success = file_exists($path);

                it_url::_unlock($path, $lock);
                # Wait for file currently being processed
                EDC('getcache', "processwait", $p['url'], $path);
                $success = it_url::_waitforlockedfile($path, $p);

    # cache cleanup, preferably at night
    $isnight = date('H') >= 1 && date('H')*3600 + date('i')*60 < $p['cleanbefore'];
    if (time() - @filemtime($p['cachedir'] . "/cleaned") > ($isnight ? 80000 : 2*80000))
        it::file_put($p['cachedir'] . "/cleaned", ""); # touch could have permission problems
        $maxagemin = intval($p['maxage']/60);
        exec("nohup bash -c 'cd {$p['cachedir']} && for i in ??; do sleep 20; ionice -c 3 find \$i -mmin +$maxagemin -type f -delete; done' </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &");

    if (EDC('getcachelog'))
        it::log('debug', 'getcachelog', $p['id'], $p['url'], !$isnewfile ? "" : "fetched=" . mb_substr(is_string($data) ? $data : "(assoc)", 0, 400));

    ### EDC('getcache', $success, $path); # too verbose
    return $success ? ($p['returnheaders'] || $p['returncachemiss'] ? [$path, $headers, (bool)$isnewfile] : $path) : false;