diff options
authorUrban Müller2007-01-17 19:05:11 +0000
committerUrban Müller2007-01-17 19:05:11 +0000
commit25778ef80fedaefaf16cea3a75dc554cfe7e2376 (patch)
parentce579f09143160e84aba768bc38054d09a11063f (diff)
it::error: fewer alerts, better performance
2 files changed, 28 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/it.class b/it.class
index 5757b4f..588d279 100644
--- a/it.class
+++ b/it.class
@@ -66,10 +66,12 @@ function timerlog($label = '')
* @param $to (optional) comma separated recipient list
* @param named parameter ok indicates no error happened
* @param named parameter ok_key indicates which variable to store failure counts in
- * @param named parameter ok_delay gives number of seconds in which consecutive failures dont count
+ * @param named parameter ok_maxfail number of failures needed for alert; default 2. only 1 failure per 60 seconds counted
function error($p=array(), $body='', $to='')
+ $p += array('ok_key' => "it_error", 'ok_maxfail' => 2);
if (is_array($p)) {
$title = $p['title'];
$body = $p['body'];
@@ -82,22 +84,38 @@ function error($p=array(), $body='', $to='')
if (!$to)
$to = strtr(trim(@file_get_contents($GLOBALS['ULTRAHOME'] . "/.diffnotice")), array("\n"=>',', ' '=>''));
- if ($p['ok']) {
- system("alert -o " . escapeshellarg($p['ok_key']) . "=1" . escapeshellarg($to) . " 4 'everything ok'");
- } else {
+ if (!isset($p['ok']))
+ $sendalert = true;
+ else {
+ $counterfn = $GLOBALS['ULTRAHOME'] . "/tmp/" . urlencode($p['ok_key']);
+ if (time() - @filemtime($counterfn) >= 60) { # only modify counter if unmodified for 60 secs
+ $oldcounter = intval(@file_get_contents($counterfn));
+ $newcounter = $p['ok'] ? 0 : $oldcounter + 1;
+ if ($newcounter != $oldcounter) {
+ $fh = fopen($counterfn, "w");
+ fputs($fh, "$newcounter\n");
+ fclose($fh);
+ if ($newcounter >= $p['ok_maxfail'] && (time() - @filemtime("$counterfn.mailsent")) >= 86400) { # 1 mail per day
+ $sendalert = true;
+ if (!ereg('twin|devel', $GLOBALS['ULTRASERVERTYPE']))
+ touch("$counterfn.mailsent");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($sendalert) {
$url = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? "https://" : "http://") . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
- $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
if (!$title)
$title="Error in $url";
- $body .= "\nUrl: $url\n\nReferer: $referer\n\n\$_REQUEST: ".print_r($_REQUEST, true). "\nStack:\n" . print_r(array_slice(debug_backtrace(), 1), true) . "\n\$_SERVER: " . print_r($_SERVER, true);
+ $body .= "\nUrl: $url\n\n\$_REQUEST: ".print_r($_REQUEST, true). "\nStack:\n" . print_r(array_slice(debug_backtrace(), 1), true) . "\n\$_SERVER: " . print_r($_SERVER, true);
if (ereg('twin|devel', $GLOBALS['ULTRASERVERTYPE'])) {
echo "<pre>$title\n$body\n</pre>";
} else {
- $okdelay = $p['ok_delay'] ? "-d " . escapeshellarg($p['ok_delay']) : "";
- $okmode = $p['ok_key'] ? "-o " . escapeshellarg($p['ok_key']) . "=0" : "";
- $cmd = "alert $okdelay $okmode -l " . escapeshellarg($to) . " 4 " . escapeshellarg($title);
+ $cmd = "alert -l " . escapeshellarg($to) . " 4 " . escapeshellarg($title);
EDC('exec', $cmd);
if (($pipe = popen($cmd, "w"))) {
diff --git a/url.class b/url.class
index ebe42a5..c1be258 100644
--- a/url.class
+++ b/url.class
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ function get_cache($p = array())
if (($parts = parse_url($p['url'])) === false)
it::error('malformed url ' . $p['url']);
if ($p['safety'] == 1)
- it::error(array('title'=>"get_cache: download failures on $path", 'ok_key'=>md5($parts['host']), 'ok_delay'=>$p['maxage'], 'ok'=>$result ? 1 : 0)); # send err only if multi failure
+ it::error(array('title'=>"get_cache: download failures on {$p['url']}", 'ok_key'=>"ok_".$parts['host'], 'ok'=>$result ? 1 : 0)); # send err only if multi failure