diff options
authorUrban Müller2007-07-18 11:58:42 +0000
committerUrban Müller2007-07-18 11:58:42 +0000
commit8f61176da8e3f215cec70b3320c956d3e3ace73f (patch)
parent4c3b61356b9fe001c5637c30f6105a208f4dffc3 (diff)
compatibility with auto-startup, some cleanups
7 files changed, 343 insertions, 435 deletions
diff --git a/db_table.class b/db_table.class
index f45155f..567bb7f 100644
--- a/db_table.class
+++ b/db_table.class
@@ -53,108 +53,12 @@ function safe_sql_select($query, $fields="*")
- * Create an SQL query (the stuff after 'WHERE') according to
- * an array of selection criteria.<br>
- * Example:<br>
- * $sql = $table->construct_sql_clause(array('Type' => 'bar',
- * 'Date >=' => '1999-01-01', '-Date <' => 'NOW()',
- * 'User NI' => 'chris'), 'ORDER BY Date');
- *
- * @param $params optional array of fieldname => value tupels.
- * These are ANDed to form a WHERE clause.
- * fieldname can contain an operator (separated by space), the
- * default operator is '='. The special operator 'NI' specifies
- * that the argument must be contained in a comma-separated list.
- * @param $sql Optional SQL addendum (added after $params), for ORDER BY etc.
- * @param $omit_where (optional) Do not add 'WHERE ' at beginning of result (default: false)
- * @return The generated SQL clause
- * @see it_db_record::select, it_db_record::fetch_next
+ * Create an SQL query (the stuff after 'WHERE').
+ * @see it_dbi::_where() for more details.
function construct_sql_clause($params='', $sql='', $omit_where=false)
- if (is_array($params) && (count($params) > 0))
- {
- $query = '';
- $sep = '';
- foreach($params as $field => $value)
- {
- if (is_int($field)) /* no key specified; just append */
- {
- if ($field === $value) /* ignore array(1 => 1) et al */
- continue;
- $query .= " $value";
- }
- else
- {
- $needs_where = true;
- if (!isset($value))
- {
- $op = 'IS';
- $qval = 'NULL';
- }
- else
- {
- if (preg_match('/^(\S+)\s+(\S.*)$/', $field, $regs))
- {
- $field = $regs[1];
- $op = strtoupper($regs[2]);
- }
- else
- $op = '=';
- /* If the field name starts with '-', the value is taken as raw,
- no escaping is done and no quotes are put around it. */
- if (substr($field, 0, 1) == '-')
- {
- $field = substr($field, 1); /* Strip that '-' sign */
- $qval = $value;
- }
- else if (!is_array($value))
- $qval = "'".mysql_real_escape_string((string)$value)."'";
- }
- switch ($op)
- {
- case 'NI':
- $query .= $sep."CONCAT(',',$field,',') LIKE '%,$value,%'";
- break;
- case 'IN':
- case 'NOT IN':
- if (is_array($value))
- {
- if ($value)
- $query .= "$sep$field $op ('" . join("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $value)) . "')"; # null is mapped to ''
- else
- $query .= $sep . "0";
- break;
- }
- default:
- if (isset($qval))
- $query .= "$sep$field $op $qval";
- else
- it::fatal('Undefined $qval when constructing query due to invalid $value (array)');
- break;
- }
- $sep = ' AND ';
- }
- }
- if ($needs_where && !$omit_where)
- $query = 'WHERE '.$query;
- if ($sql)
- $query .= ' ';
- }
- $query .= $sql;
- return $query;
+ return it_dbi::_where($params, $sql, $omit_where);
diff --git a/dbi.class b/dbi.class
index 727f3a9..84f780d 100644
--- a/dbi.class
+++ b/dbi.class
@@ -65,9 +65,39 @@ function it_dbi($config, $query = null)
$this->_db = $GLOBALS['ULTRADB'];
- $dbid = "$this->_db/$this->_server/$this->_user";
+ $this->_dbid = "$this->_db/$this->_server/$this->_user";
- if (!($this->_link = $GLOBALS['it_dbi_link'][$dbid]))
+ if ($this->_createclasses)
+ {
+ $this->_connect();
+ if (!($tables = mysql_list_tables($this->_db, $this->_link)))
+ $this->_fatal("it_dbi(): can't list on tables \"$this->_db\": " . mysql_error($this->_link));
+ $this->_defaults = "";
+ foreach($config as $key => $value)
+ if ($key != 'createclasses')
+ $this->_defaults .= "'$key' => '".strtr($value, array('\'' => '\\\'', '$' => '\\$'))."', ";
+ for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($tables); $i++)
+ $this->createclass(mysql_tablename($tables, $i));
+ }
+ if (!$GLOBALS['it_dbi'])
+ $GLOBALS['it_dbi'] =& $this;
+ if (isset($query))
+ {
+ if (is_array($query))
+ $this->select($query);
+ else
+ $this->read($query);
+ }
+function _connect()
+ if (!($this->_link = $GLOBALS['it_dbi_link'][$this->_dbid]))
# Use persistent connections but prevent reuse if only DB differs
if (!$this->_persistent || $GLOBALS['it_dbi_connected']["$this->_server/$this->_user"]++)
@@ -89,74 +119,64 @@ function it_dbi($config, $query = null)
if (!(@mysql_select_db($this->_db, $this->_link)))
$this->_fatal("it_dbi(): can't select database \"$this->_db\": " . mysql_error($this->_link));
- $GLOBALS['it_dbi_link'][$dbid] = $this->_link;
+ $GLOBALS['it_dbi_link'][$this->_dbid] = $this->_link;
- if ($this->_createclasses)
- {
- if (!($tables = mysql_list_tables($this->_db, $this->_link)))
- $this->_fatal("it_dbi(): can't list on tables \"$this->_db\": " . mysql_error($this->_link));
- $defaults = '';
- foreach($config as $key => $value)
- if ($key != 'createclasses')
- $defaults .= "'$key' => '".strtr($value, array('\'' => '\\\'', '$' => '\\$'))."', ";
+ * Convert table given by name into a class
+ */
+function createclass($table)
+ $this->_connect();
+ $classname = "$this->_classprefix$table";
- for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($tables); $i++)
- {
- $table = mysql_tablename($tables, $i);
- $classname = "$this->_classprefix$table";
+ if (!($result = @mysql_list_fields($this->_db, $table, $this->_link)))
+ $this->_fatal("it_dbi(): can't list fields \"$this->_db\": " . mysql_error($this->_link));
- if ($result = @mysql_list_fields($this->_db, $table, $this->_link))
- {
- for ($fields=array(), $j=0; $j < mysql_num_fields($result); $j++)
- {
- $fields[mysql_field_name($result, $j)] = mysql_field_len($result, $j);
- $flags = mysql_field_flags($result, $j);
+ for ($fields=array(), $j=0; $j < mysql_num_fields($result); $j++)
+ {
+ $fields[mysql_field_name($result, $j)] = mysql_field_len($result, $j);
+ $flags = mysql_field_flags($result, $j);
- if (strstr($flags, "primary_key"))
- {
- $keyfield = mysql_field_name($result, $j);
- $autoincrement = (bool)strstr($flags, "auto_increment");
- $randomid = (mysql_field_type($result, $j) == "string");
- }
- }
+ if (strstr($flags, "primary_key"))
+ {
+ $keyfield = mysql_field_name($result, $j);
+ $autoincrement = (bool)strstr($flags, "auto_increment");
+ $randomid = (mysql_field_type($result, $j) == "string");
+ }
+ }
- $fields = var_export($fields, true);
+ $fields = var_export($fields, true);
- if ($this->_createclasses && (substr($classname, 0, 4) != 'PMA_') && !class_exists($classname))
+ if ((substr($classname, 0, 4) != 'PMA_') && !class_exists($classname))
+ {
+ debug("it_dbi: creating class $classname", 5);
+ eval("
+ class $classname extends it_dbi
+ {
+ function $classname(\$query = null, \$config = array())
- debug("it_dbi: creating class $classname", 5);
- eval("
- class $classname extends it_dbi
- {
- function $classname(\$query = null, \$config = array())
- {
- \$config += array($defaults'table' => '$table', 'keyfield' => '$keyfield', 'autoincrement' => '$autoincrement', 'randomid' => '$randomid');
- \$this->_fields = $fields;
- \$this->it_dbi(\$config, \$query);
- }
- }
- ");
+ \$config += array({$this->_defaults}'table' => '$table', 'keyfield' => '$keyfield', 'autoincrement' => '$autoincrement', 'randomid' => '$randomid');
+ \$this->_fields = $fields;
+ \$this->it_dbi(\$config, \$query);
- }
+ ");
- if (isset($query))
- if (is_array($query))
- $this->select($query);
- else
- $this->read($query);
* Internal: construct SQL SET clause of changed values from member vars and tags array.
* Merge current values into $tags. Modifies caller's array (callers rely on it)!
function _set(&$tags)
+ $this->_connect();
# Add member vars to tags, considering unquoted fields
foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $field => $value)
# Don't use isset($tags[$field]) (would not handle null values correctly)
@@ -177,10 +197,109 @@ function _set(&$tags)
-/* Intermal: construct SQL WHERE clause */
-function _where($where)
+ * Create an SQL query (the stuff after 'WHERE') according to
+ * an array of selection criteria.<br>
+ * Example:<br>
+ * $sql = $table->construct_sql_clause(array('Type' => 'bar',
+ * 'Date >=' => '1999-01-01', '-Date <' => 'NOW()',
+ * 'User NI' => 'chris'), 'ORDER BY Date');
+ *
+ * @param $params optional array of fieldname => value tupels.
+ * These are ANDed to form a WHERE clause.
+ * fieldname can contain an operator (separated by space), the
+ * default operator is '='. The special operator 'NI' specifies
+ * that the argument must be contained in a comma-separated list.
+ * @param $sql Optional SQL addendum (added after $params), for ORDER BY etc.
+ * @param $omit_where (optional) Do not add 'WHERE ' at beginning of result (default: false)
+ * @return The generated SQL clause
+ * @see it_db_record::select, it_db_record::fetch_next
+ */
+function _where($params='', $sql='', $omit_where=false)
- return isset($where) ? ' ' . it_db_table::construct_sql_clause($where) : '';
+ if (is_array($params) && (count($params) > 0))
+ {
+ $query = '';
+ $sep = '';
+ foreach($params as $field => $value)
+ {
+ if (is_int($field)) /* no key specified; just append */
+ {
+ if ($field === $value) /* ignore array(1 => 1) et al */
+ continue;
+ $query .= " $value";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $needs_where = true;
+ if (!isset($value))
+ {
+ $op = 'IS';
+ $qval = 'NULL';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (preg_match('/^(\S+)\s+(\S.*)$/', $field, $regs))
+ {
+ $field = $regs[1];
+ $op = strtoupper($regs[2]);
+ }
+ else
+ $op = '=';
+ /* If the field name starts with '-', the value is taken as raw,
+ no escaping is done and no quotes are put around it. */
+ if (substr($field, 0, 1) == '-')
+ {
+ $field = substr($field, 1); /* Strip that '-' sign */
+ $qval = $value;
+ }
+ else if (!is_array($value))
+ $qval = "'".mysql_real_escape_string((string)$value)."'";
+ }
+ switch ($op)
+ {
+ case 'NI':
+ $query .= $sep."CONCAT(',',$field,',') LIKE '%,$value,%'";
+ break;
+ case 'IN':
+ case 'NOT IN':
+ if (is_array($value))
+ {
+ if ($value)
+ $query .= "$sep$field $op ('" . join("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $value)) . "')"; # null is mapped to ''
+ else
+ $query .= $sep . "0";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ if (isset($qval))
+ $query .= "$sep$field $op $qval";
+ else
+ it::fatal('Undefined $qval when constructing query due to invalid $value (array)');
+ break;
+ }
+ $sep = ' AND ';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($needs_where && !$omit_where)
+ $query = 'WHERE '.$query;
+ if ($sql)
+ $query .= ' ';
+ }
+ $query .= $sql;
+ return $query;
@@ -233,6 +352,7 @@ function clear($pp = true)
function query($query)
+ $this->_connect();
debug(get_class($this)."::query(\"$query\")", 4);
$start = gettimeofday();
@@ -458,7 +578,7 @@ function delete($query = null)
if ($query)
- if ($sres = $this->query(($sql = "DELETE FROM $this->_table " . $this->_where($query))))
+ if ($this->query(($sql = "DELETE FROM $this->_table " . $this->_where($query))))
$result = mysql_affected_rows($this->_link);
diff --git a/debug.class b/debug.class
index 956b0d0..fa6f314 100644
--- a/debug.class
+++ b/debug.class
@@ -98,17 +98,17 @@ function internal_error($text)
* Function to return dump of all it's parameters,
- * normally used through D(), ED(), EDX() in support.pinc
+ * normally used through D(), ED(), EDX() in functions.php
* @param Varargs of mixed stuff to dump
* @return String representation of dump
-function dump()
+function dump($args)
$stack = debug_backtrace();
- $line = $stack[2]['line'];
- $file = $stack[2]['file'];
+ $line = $stack[1]['line'];
+ $file = $stack[1]['file'];
- if (!$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && !preg_match('/class/', $file))
+ if (!$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && (substr(file_get_contents($file), 0, 2) == "#!"))
if (ereg('(csv|txt|gif|jpg)', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) || !ereg('Mozilla', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
@@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ function dump()
$paramlist = preg_match('/(D|ED|EDC|EDX)\s*\(\s*([^)]+)/i', $src, $parts) ? $parts[2] : "";
$argnames = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $paramlist);
- foreach (func_get_args() as $arg)
+ if ($parts[1] == "EDC") # First argument was stripped by EDC
+ array_shift($argnames);
+ foreach ($args as $arg)
$var = array_shift($argnames);
- if ($arg==='_ignoreme')
- continue;
$item = gettype($arg) == 'resource' ? trim(print_r($arg, true)) : trim(var_export($arg, true));
# Replace PHP 5 var_export object representation by old style
diff --git a/functions.php b/functions.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddb6012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+ * Print an error message and end page
+ */
+function fail($text)
+ trigger_error($text, E_USER_ERROR);
+ it::fatal($text);
+ * Global shortcut for $it_debug::debug()
+ * @see it_debug
+ */
+function debug($text, $level=0)
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['it_debug']))
+ $GLOBALS['it_debug']->debug($text, $level);
+ * Convert a htmlentities-encoded string back to normal
+ */
+function it_htmlentities_decode($string)
+ return strtr($string, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES)));
+ * Clone an object and return copy, works for all PHP versions
+ */
+function &it_clone(&$object)
+ $result = (is_object($object) && version_compare(zend_version(), 2, '>=')) ? clone($object) : $object;
+ return $result; # PHP internals need a tmp var to return by ref
+ * Return string containing names and values of all arguments
+ */
+function D()
+ $args = func_get_args();
+ return it_debug::dump($args);
+ * Echo string containing names and values of all arguments
+ */
+function ED()
+ $args = func_get_args();
+ echo it_debug::dump($args);
+ return $args[0];
+ * Same as ED(), but first argument is string that must be in $_REQUEST['debug']
+ */
+function EDC()
+ $args = func_get_args();
+ $var = array_shift($args);
+ if (($result = $GLOBALS["debug_$var"]) && $args)
+ echo it_debug::dump($args);
+ if (!$result || $result === true) # Compatibility with old map relying on 0|1
+ $result = intval($result);
+ return $result;
+ * Echo string containing names and values of all arguments, then exit
+ */
+function EDX()
+ $args = func_get_args();
+ exit(it_debug::dump($args));
+ * Shortcut to $it_text->Text()
+ */
+function T($label, $raw = null, $language = null)
+ it_text::init();
+ return $GLOBALS['it_text']->text($label, $raw, $language);
+ * Shortcut to $it_text->etext()
+ */
+function ET($label, $values = null, $language = null)
+ it_text::init();
+ return $GLOBALS['it_text']->etext($label, $values, $language);
+ * Return "db4" or "db2" depending on availability
+ */
+function db_version()
+ return in_array("db4", dba_handlers()) ? "db4" : "db2";
+ * Shortcut to $it_text->get_language()
+ */
+function T_lang()
+ it_text::init();
+ return isset($GLOBALS['it_text']) ? $GLOBALS['it_text']->get_language() : "de";
+ * Shortcut to $it_text->get_language()
+ */
+function T_set_language($language, $setcookie = true)
+ it_text::init();
+ return $GLOBALS['it_text']->set_language($language, $setcookie);
+ * Shortcut to $it_text->text_exists()
+ */
+function T_exists($label, $language = null)
+ it_text::init();
+ return $GLOBALS['it_text']->text_exists($label, $language);
diff --git a/itools.lib b/itools.lib
index de049cd..1e2f1b9 100644
--- a/itools.lib
+++ b/itools.lib
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
diff --git a/support.pinc b/support.pinc
deleted file mode 100644
index cf9c563..0000000
--- a/support.pinc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-** $Id$
-** ITools - the Internet Tools Library
-** support.pinc - Various Support Functions for ITools.
-** This is the first file in itools.lib
- * Print an error message and end page
- * @see internal_error
- */
-function fail($text)
- global $IT_CUSTOM_FAIL;
- {
- $IT_CUSTOM_FAIL($text);
- }
- trigger_error($text, E_USER_ERROR);
- it::fatal($text);
- * Global shortcut for $it_debug::debug()
- * @see it_debug
- */
-function debug($text, $level=0)
- if (isset($GLOBALS['it_debug']))
- $GLOBALS['it_debug']->debug($text, $level);
- * Global shortcut for $it_debug::intermal_error()
- * @see it_debug
- */
-function internal_error($text)
- if (isset($GLOBALS['it_debug']))
- $GLOBALS['it_debug']->internal_error($text);
- else
- exit;
- * Convert a htmlentities-encoded string back to normal
- */
-function it_htmlentities_decode($string)
- return strtr($string, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES)));
- * Clone an object and return copy, works for all PHP versions
- */
-function &it_clone(&$object)
- $result = (is_object($object) && version_compare(zend_version(), 2, '>=')) ? clone($object) : $object;
- return $result; # PHP internals need a tmp var to return by ref
- * Defines a new error_handler which gives a Stacktrace
- * To activate, use: set_error_handler('it_error_handler');
- */
-function it_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
- $errors = array(
- 1 => 'ERROR',
- 2 => 'WARNING',
- 4 => 'PARSE',
- 8 => 'NOTICE',
- 16 => 'CORE_ERROR',
- 32 => 'CORE_WARNING',
- 64 => 'COMPILE_ERROR',
- 256 => 'USER_ERROR',
- 512 => 'USER_WARNING',
- 1024 => 'USER_NOTICE',
- 2048 => 'STRICT',
- );
- $error = isset($errors[$errno]) ? $errors[$errno] : $errno;
- if (ini_get('display_errors') && ($errno & ini_get('error_reporting')))
- {
- $stack = debug_backtrace();
- array_shift($stack);
- $url = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}";
- $ref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
- $errfile = preg_replace('#^/data./www/#', '/www/', $errfile);
- foreach ($stack as $level)
- {
- if (isset($level['class']))
- $level['function'] = "{$level['class']}->{$level['function']}";
- $file = preg_replace('#^/data./www/#', '/www/', $level['file']);
- $args = array();
- foreach ((array)$level['args'] as $arg)
- {
- switch (gettype($arg))
- {
- case 'array':
- $args[] = 'Array[' . count($arg) . ']';
- break;
- case 'object':
- $args[] = 'Object:' . get_class($arg);
- break;
- case 'boolean':
- $args[] = $arg ? 'true' : 'false';
- break;
- default:
- $args[] = '"' . (string)$arg . '"';
- break;
- }
- }
- if ($levelnum++ == 0)
- $message .= "Line {$level['line']} $file # <b>$error:</b> $errstr\n";
- else
- $message .= "Line {$level['line']} $file # {$level['function']}(" . join(', ', $args) . ")\n";
- }
- if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])
- {
- foreach((array)$_COOKIE as $key => $val)
- $cookies .= "$key=$val ";
- error_log("$error: $errstr at Line $errline $errfile url=$url ref=$ref $cookies");
- echo "\n\n<pre>\n$message</pre><br />\n\n";
- }
- else
- error_log(strip_tags($message));
- }
- if (!preg_match('/(WARNING|NOTICE|STRICT)$/', $error))
- exit(1);
- * Return string containing names and values of all arguments
- */
-function D()
- $args = func_get_args();
- return call_user_func_array(array('it_debug', 'dump'), $args);
- * Echo string containing names and values of all arguments
- */
-function ED()
- $args = func_get_args();
- echo call_user_func_array(array('it_debug', 'dump'), $args);
- return $args[0];
- * Same as ED(), but first argument is string that must be in $_REQUEST['debug']
- */
-function EDC()
- $args = func_get_args();
- $GLOBALS['ULTRADEBUGVARS'][$args[0]] = 1;
- if (strstr($_REQUEST['debug'], $args[0]) || $GLOBALS["debug_" . $args[0]]) {
- $active = $GLOBALS['debug_'.$args[0]];
- if( !$active )
- $active = 1;
- $args[0] = '_ignoreme';
- if (count($args) > 1)
- echo call_user_func_array(array('it_debug', 'dump'), $args);
- } else
- $active = 0;
- return $active;
- * Echo string containing names and values of all arguments, then exit
- */
-function EDX()
- $args = func_get_args();
- exit(call_user_func_array(array('it_debug', 'dump'), $args));
- * Return "db4" or "db2" depending on availability
- */
-function db_version()
- return in_array("db4", dba_handlers()) ? "db4" : "db2";
- * Append a line to a logfile in log/. Date will be added to filename and line
- * @param $name Name of logfile
- * @param $line Line to append
- */
-function log_append($name, $line)
- if ($fh = fopen($GLOBALS['ULTRAHOME'] . "/log/$name-" . date('Ymd'), "a")) {
- fputs($fh, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\t$line\n");
- fclose($fh);
- }
diff --git a/text.class b/text.class
index de5e906..d96fb74 100644
--- a/text.class
+++ b/text.class
@@ -104,9 +104,23 @@ function it_text($p = null)
# And finally, record the name of our active language.
$this->actlanguagename = $this->languages[$this->actlanguage];
+ # Make this object available under $GLOBALS['it_text'], or add my texts to $GLOBALS['it_text'] if it exists
+ if (!$GLOBALS['it_text'])
+ $GLOBALS['it_text'] =& $this;
+ else
+ $GLOBALS['it_text']->statictext += $this->statictext;
debug("Used language is {$this->actlanguagename}, default language is {$this->defaultlanguage}.", 6);
+ * Instanciate singleton if necessary
+ */
+function init()
+ if (!$GLOBALS['it_text'])
+ new it_text;
* Return a text in the selected language.
@@ -361,51 +375,4 @@ function dump_php()
} /* End class it_text */
- * Globally available functions without need for object
- */
- * Shortcut to $it_text->Text()
- */
-function T($label, $raw = null, $language = null)
- return $GLOBALS['it_text']->text($label, $raw, $language);
- * Shortcut to $it_text->etext()
- */
-function ET($label, $values = null, $language = null)
- return $GLOBALS['it_text']->etext($label, $values, $language);
- * Shortcut to $it_text->get_language()
- */
-function T_lang()
- return isset($GLOBALS['it_text']) ? $GLOBALS['it_text']->get_language() : "de";
- * Shortcut to $it_text->get_language()
- */
-function T_set_language($language, $setcookie = true)
- return $GLOBALS['it_text']->set_language($language, $setcookie);
- * Shortcut to $it_text->text_exists()
- */
-function T_exists($label, $language = null)
- return $GLOBALS['it_text']->text_exists($label, $language);