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1 files changed, 34 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/it_text.class b/it_text.class
index ab378ac..a35f701 100644
--- a/it_text.class
+++ b/it_text.class
@@ -14,14 +14,11 @@
class it_text
- var $defaultlanguage; # Preferred language (without cookie)
var $actlanguage; # Selected language
- var $actlanguagename; # Name of selected language
+ var $defaultlanguage; # Browser language
var $languages = array(); # Active languages
var $languages_available = array(); # Available languages
- var $language_failsafe; # First available language. Must be complete (used as fallback)
var $statictext = array(); # Text array, read from php file on init
- var $unknown_labels = array(); # array for spooling unknown labels in debug mode
* Constructor
@@ -39,84 +36,49 @@ function it_text($p = null)
# Get array of supported languages and their names
- foreach(array_keys($this->statictext['_']) as $code)
+ $this->languages_available = $this->statictext['_'];
+ foreach($this->languages_available as $code => $languagename)
- # If a language's name in '_' is unset, ignore it
- if ($languagename = $this->statictext['_'][$code])
+ # Only use a language in browser/cookie detection below if it's not disabled by a leading '-'
+ if (substr($languagename, 0, 1) != '-')
- $this->languages_available[$code] = $languagename;
- # Only use a language in browser/cookie detection below if it's not diasbled by a leading '-'
- if (substr($languagename, 0, 1) != '-')
- {
- $this->languages[$code] = $languagename;
- if (!isset($this->language_failsafe))
- $this->language_failsafe = $code;
- }
+ $this->languages[$code] = $languagename;
+ if (!$this->actlanguage)
+ $this->initlang($code, "setting failsafe language");
# Set our default language according to browser preference
- foreach(explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) as $lang)
- {
- if (isset($this->languages[$lang]))
- {
- $this->defaultlanguage = $lang;
- debug("Got language from browser: {$this->defaultlanguage}", 6);
+ foreach(explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) as $code)
+ if ($this->initlang($code, "setting language from browser") || $this->initlang(substr($code, 0, 2), "setting language family from browser"))
- }
- else
- {
- $short = substr($lang, 0, 2);
- if (isset($this->languages[$short]))
- {
- $this->defaultlanguage = $short;
- debug("Got language family from browser: {$this->defaultlanguage}", 6);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (count($this->languages) == 0)
- debug("No active languages found!", 5);
- }
- # If no language matched, use failsafe language
- if (!$this->languages[$this->defaultlanguage])
- $this->defaultlanguage = $this->language_failsafe;
- # language override in URL like
- if (preg_match('/\.([a-z]{2})\.[^.\/]+$/i',$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $match) && $this->languages[$match[1]])
- $this->set_language($match[1], FALSE); # do not set a cookie
- # If a cookie is set, use its value as our active language
- if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->p['cookiename']]) && ($this->languages[$cookie = $_COOKIE[$this->p['cookiename']]]))
- {
- $this->actlanguage = $cookie;
- debug("Got language from cookie: {$this->actlanguage}", 6);
+ $this->defaultlanguage = $this->actlanguage;
- # If the cookie supplied no valid language, we use our calculated default language
- if (!isset($this->actlanguage))
- $this->actlanguage = $this->defaultlanguage;
- # If the user wants something else, comply
- if (isset($this->p['forcelanguge']) && isset($this->languages[$this->p['forcelanguage']]))
- $this->actlanguage = $this->p['forcelanguage'];
- # And finally, record the name of our active language.
- $this->actlanguagename = $this->languages[$this->actlanguage];
+ $this->initlang(it::match('\.([a-z]{2})\.[^./]+$', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), "setting language from url override");
+ $this->initlang($this->languages[$_COOKIE[$this->p['cookiename']]], "setting language from cookie");
+ $this->initlang($this->p['forcelanguage'], "setting language from programmer override");
# Make this object available under $GLOBALS['it_text'], or add my texts to $GLOBALS['it_text'] if it exists
if (!$GLOBALS['it_text'])
$GLOBALS['it_text'] =& $this;
$GLOBALS['it_text']->statictext += $this->statictext;
+# internal: overwrite language setting if code is valid, return success
+function initlang($code, $debugmsg)
+ if ($this->languages[$code])
+ $this->actlanguage = $code;
- debug("Used language is {$this->actlanguagename}, default language is {$this->defaultlanguage}.", 6);
+ return $this->languages[$code];
* Instanciate singleton if necessary
@@ -126,6 +88,8 @@ function init()
new it_text;
* Return a text in the selected language.
* @param $label Label of text to return
@@ -134,17 +98,22 @@ function init()
* @return Localized text string
function text($label, $raw = null, $language = null)
if ($this->p['debug'] === 'label')
return $label;
if (!isset($language))
$language = $this->actlanguage;
- if ($this->statictext[$label][$language] !== '')
+ if (isset($this->statictext[$label][$language]))
return $this->statictext[$label][$language];
- $this->unknown_labels[] = $label;
+ if ($fh = fopen($GLOBALS['ULTRAHOME'] . "/log/text_log", "a"))
+ {
+ fputs($fh, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\t" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\t" . $label . "\t" . $language . "\t" . it::replace('auto_prepend\S+\s+'=>'', it_debug::backtrace()) . "\n");
+ fclose($fh);
+ }
return $this->p['debug'] ? "<blink>$label ($language)</blink>" : $this->statictext[$label][$this->language_failsafe];
@@ -200,16 +169,6 @@ function get_language()
- * Get default language
- * @return default language
- */
-function get_default_language()
- return $this->defaultlanguage;
* Check if a text entry for a specific label exists
* @param $label Label to check
* @return true if text exists in actual (or supplied) language, false otherwise.
@@ -266,93 +225,6 @@ function transmogrify($text, $values = null)
- * when running it_text in debug mode, you can use this to die
- * in case there were unknown labels with a list of all unknown labels
- */
-function checkout_unknown_labels()
- if ($this->unknown_labels)
- it::fatal('No text found for labels: ' . implode(',', $this->unknown_labels));
- * Replaces special chars with their TeX equivalent
- * @param $text Text to convert from ISO-8859-1 to TeX encoding
- * @param $convertlinebreaks Whether to convert LFs to TeX linebreaks
- * @return TeX encoded text to be inserted into TeX template
- */
-function texify($text, $convertlinebreaks = true)
- $translation = array
- (
- 'À' => '{\`A}',
- 'Á' => "{\'A}",
- 'Â' => '{\^A}',
- 'Ã' => '{\~A}',
- 'Ä' => '{\"A}',
- 'Ç' => '{\c C}',
- 'È' => '{\`E}',
- 'É' => "{\'E}",
- 'Ê' => '{\^E}',
- 'Ë' => '{\"E}',
- 'Ì' => '{\`I}',
- 'Í' => "{\'I}",
- 'Î' => '{\^I}',
- 'Ï' => '{\"I}',
- 'Ñ' => '{\~N}',
- 'Ò' => '{\`O}',
- 'Ó' => "{\'O}",
- 'Ô' => '{\^O}',
- 'Õ' => '{\~O}',
- 'Ö' => '{\"O}',
- 'Ù' => '{\`U}',
- 'Ú' => "{\'U}",
- 'Û' => '{\^U}',
- 'Ü' => '{\"U}',
- 'ß' => '{\ss}',
- 'à' => '{\`a}',
- 'á' => "{\'a}",
- 'â' => '{\^a}',
- 'ã' => '{\~a}',
- 'ä' => '{\"a}',
- 'ç' => '{\c c}',
- 'è' => '{\`e}',
- 'é' => "{\'e}",
- 'ê' => '{\^e}',
- 'ë' => '{\"e}',
- 'ì' => '{\`i}',
- 'í' => "{\'i}",
- 'î' => '{\^i}',
- 'ï' => '{\"i}',
- 'ñ' => '{\~n}',
- 'ò' => '{\`o}',
- 'ó' => "{\'o}",
- 'ô' => '{\^o}',
- 'õ' => '{\~o}',
- 'ö' => '{\"o}',
- 'ù' => '{\`u}',
- 'ú' => "{\'u}",
- 'û' => '{\^u}',
- 'ü' => '{\"u}',
- 'ÿ' => '{\"y}',
- '"' => "''",
- '\\' => '/',
- '%' => '\%',
- '$' => '\$',
- '#' => '\#',
- '&' => '\&',
- '_' => '\_',
- '^' => '',
- );
- if ($convertlinebreaks)
- $translation["\n"] = "\\\\\n";
- return strtr($text, $translation);
* Re-create php text file from $this->statictext
* @return true if successful, false if not (usually if file is not writeable by user www)