AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2 daysindicate that entity_decode() reverses Q()HEADmasterUrban Müller1-0/+2
3 daysdecode all html entities including 'Urban Müller2-1/+6
10 dayssmall performance boostUrban Müller1-3/+2
11 daysCleanup round to make indentation style consistent across filesChristian Schneider6-11/+21
11 dayscheck for actual error result (-1) and handle mariadb default encodingNathan Gass1-4/+6
2025-02-08Truncate overly long referers leading to failed subrequest but make sure it i...Christian Schneider1-1/+1
2025-02-05avoid marking plaintext _txt labels when .text debug param activeUrban Müller1-1/+1
2025-02-03document testUrban Müller1-1/+1
2025-02-03remove duplicate key and actually test multi arg behaviourUrban Müller1-6/+6
2025-01-30Fix bug when js file ends with comment but has no final newline leading to st...Christian Schneider1-1/+1
2025-01-16fix some missed censorship, also censort x-auth-tokenUrban Müller1-2/+2
2025-01-08better docs, thx buddhaUrban Müller1-1/+1
2025-01-08docsUrban Müller1-1/+1
2024-12-03avoid leaving tempfiles lying around if rename fails for permission reasonsUrban Müller1-0/+4
2024-12-02Revert "use CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE now that we have current curl"Christian Schneider1-6/+18
2024-11-22Add (as of PHP 8.4) mandatory str_getcsv escape parameter but use newly recom...Christian Schneider1-2/+2
2024-11-22Do no load auto_prepend.php which causes problems on PHP 8.4 leading to test ...Christian Schneider1-1/+1
2024-11-20test tables are not replicated, local writes allowed (mail0367)Urban Müller1-1/+1
2024-11-07adapt to stricter is functionNathan Gass2-2/+2
2024-10-28avoid replacing away the quotesUrban Müller1-1/+1
2024-10-22port some more of the error handling from it_url::get to it_url::get_multiNathan Gass1-3/+6
2024-10-21use CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE now that we have current curlNathan Gass1-18/+6
2024-10-04avoid leaking API keys in err messagesUrban Müller1-3/+3
2024-09-09add some more testsNathan Gass1-0/+16
2024-09-09add separator argument to all column based methodsNathan Gass1-8/+12
2024-09-04Allow data urls and do not encode as it can break themChristian Schneider1-2/+2
2024-08-27handle --debug argument now used by slowtests.shUrban Müller1-2/+3
2024-08-19fewer backslackes when ED()-ing html content with debug outputUrban Müller2-2/+2
2024-08-14fix syntaxUrban Müller1-1/+1
2024-08-14better exampleUrban Müller1-1/+1
2024-08-14add simplexml_load_string() with better error reportingUrban Müller1-0/+19
2024-08-06try to reduce crawler accesses on cacheable dataUrban Müller1-1/+2
2024-07-25remove EDC('what') from itools - doesn't work anymore on, proably n...Christian Helbling1-13/+0
2024-07-11docsUrban Müller1-1/+1
2024-07-10Work around idn_to_ascii not allowing empty string in PHP 8.4 by using non-em...Christian Schneider1-1/+1
2024-07-04introduce ->status for ->result, temporarily support ->resultUrban Müller1-14/+15
2024-07-03make retries => 0 consistent with retries => 1: no it::error on 404Urban Müller2-6/+18
2024-07-01Remove special case for stale locks since those never occuredDavid Flatz1-12/+5
2024-06-27add response body to errors, rename $got to $bodyUrban Müller1-9/+10
2024-06-26Remove trigger_error with E_USER_ERROR, see Schneider1-1/+0
2024-06-25Replace xml_set_object/xml_set_* with [$this, "methodName"] equivalent as it ...Christian Schneider1-3/+2
2024-06-13keep http default for now, only http is guaranteed to work everywhereUrban Müller1-1/+1
2024-06-11mark legit use of httpUrban Müller1-1/+1
2024-06-11remove http: useUrban Müller1-1/+1
2024-06-10http: -> https:Urban Müller5-10/+10
2024-06-10handle empty replacements array in it::replaceNathan Gass1-1/+1
2024-05-28Revert "Improve handling of nested tags in it_html::sanitize": getting "Excee...Urban Müller2-19/+3
2024-05-27Fix it_url::get with maxlength and large responseChristian Schneider1-1/+1
2024-05-27Fix it_url::get with maxlength and large responseChristian Schneider2-1/+9
2024-05-27Improve handling of nested tags in it_html::sanitizeDavid Flatz2-3/+19