table = &$table; $this->keyfieldname = $keyfieldname; } /** * Change active key field * @param $keyfieldname Optional name of primary key field, defaults to 'ID' */ function set_key_field($keyfieldname='ID') { $this->keyfieldname = $keyfieldname; $this->key = isset($this->data[$keyfieldname]) ? $this->data[$keyfieldname] : ''; } /** * Select a set of records of this table according to an array of selection * and sorting criteria. * Use fetch_next() to iterate through the result set
* Example:
* $record->select(array('Type' => 'bar', 'Date >=' => '1999-01-01', * '-Date <' => 'NOW()', 'User NI' => 'chris'), 'ORDER BY Date'); * * @param $params optional array of fieldname => value tupels. * These are ANDed to form a WHERE clause. * fieldname can contain an operator (separated by space), the * default operator is '='. The special operator 'NI' specifies * that the argument must be contained in a comma-separated list. * * @param $sql Optional SQL addendum added after $params (ORDER BY etc.) * @param $fields Optional field list to select (defaults to '*') * @return Number of rows that matched this query * @see it_db_record::fetch_next, it_db_table::construct_sql_clause * */ function select($params='', $sql='', $fields='*') { $this->handle = $this->table->safe_sql_select($this->table->construct_sql_clause($params, $sql), $fields); return $this->table->db->num_rows($this->handle); } /** * Post-process data after reading a record. * This is a stub-function that can be overloaded. */ function _read_post_process() { } /** * Pre-process data before writing a record. * This is a stub-function that can be overloaded. * @param $tags Reference to update/create tags, can be modified as needed */ function _write_pre_process(&$tags) { } /** * Fetch the next record of a select() query * @return true if a record was successfully fetched, false otherwise * @see it_db_record::select */ function fetch_next() { return $this->fetch($this->handle); } /** * Fetch the next record from an SQL result into this object. * If no more records are pending, clear the object's data. * @param $sqlresult Result of table::sql_select() or similar * @return 1 if a record was successfully fetched, 0 otherwise */ function fetch(&$sqlresult) { $result = 0; if ($this->data = $this->table->db->fetch_assoc($sqlresult)) { $this->key = $this->data[$this->keyfieldname]; $result = 1; } else { $this->key = ""; /* "No record is loaded" */ $this->data = array(); /* Clear local record data */ } $this->_read_post_process(); return $result; } /** * Read a record from table * @param $key key field value of the desired row * @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise */ function read($key) { $result = 0; if ($key != "") { $result = $this->fetch($this->table->safe_sql_select("WHERE $this->keyfieldname='" . mysql_real_escape_string($key) . "'")); } else { $this->key = ""; /* "No record is loaded" */ $this->data = array(); /* Clear local record data */ } $this->_read_post_process(); return $result; } /** * Create a new record in the table * @see it_db_record::record_create, it_db_record::safe_create * @param $tags array of Fieldname/Value pairs * @param $replace use REPLACE (1) instead of INSERT (otherwise) * @return MySQL result (0 means failure) */ function create($tags, $replace=0) { /* Pre-processing, $tags is passed by reference and may be modified here */ $this->_write_pre_process($tags); $sql = $replace ? "REPLACE" : "INSERT"; $sql .= " INTO " . $this->table->name . " ("; $sql2 = ''; unset($this->data); for ($sep=""; $ti = each($tags); $sep=",") { /* If the field name starts with '-', the value is taken as raw, no escaping is done and no quotes are put around it. */ if (substr($ti[0], 0, 1) == '-') { $ti[0] = substr($ti[0], 1); /* Strip that '-' sign */ $val = $ti[1]; } else $val = isset($ti[1]) ? "'".mysql_real_escape_string($ti[1])."'" : 'NULL'; $this->data[$ti[0]] = $ti[1]; /* Store data for later use */ $sql .= $sep . $ti[0]; $sql2 .= "$sep$val"; } $sql .= ") VALUES ($sql2)"; if ($result = $this->table->db->sql_query($sql)) { /* If the key element was not given, it means it's an AUTO_INCREMENT thingy. */ if (($this->key = $this->data[$this->keyfieldname]) == "") { $result = $this->table->db->safe_sql_query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"); $this->key = mysql_result($result, 0, 0); } /* We need all fields from record, not only those we initialised */ $this->read($this->key); } return $result; } /** * Safe version of create (doesn't return in case of failure) * @see it_db_record::create, it_db_record::record_create * @param $tags array of Fieldname/Value pairs * @param $replace use REPLACE (1) instead of INSERT (otherwise) * @return MySQL result (0 means failure) */ function safe_create($tags, $replace=0) { if ($result = $this->create($tags, $replace)) return $result; else fail("it_db_record::safe_create() failed: " . $this->table->db->error()); } /** * Update a record in the table * @param $tags array of Fieldname/Value pairs * @return MySQL result (0 means failure) */ function update($tags) { /* Pre-processing, $tags is passed by reference and may be modified here */ $this->_write_pre_process($tags); if ($this->key == "") internal_error("it_db_record::update(): can't update undefined record"); /* If we have nothing to do, return instead of performing an invalid SQL query */ if (!count($tags)) return true; $sql = "UPDATE " . $this->table->name . " SET "; for ($sep="", $raw=0; $ti = each($tags); $sep=",") { /* If the field name starts with '-', the value is taken as raw, no escaping is done and no quotes are put around it. */ if (substr($ti[0], 0, 1) == '-') { $ti[0] = substr($ti[0], 1); /* Strip that '-' sign */ $val = $ti[1]; $raw++; } else $val = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($ti[1])."'"; $sql .= $sep.$ti[0].'='.$val; if ($ti[0] == $this->key) { if ($this->data[$this->keyfieldname] != $ti[0]) internal_error("$sql: trying to change key from $this->key."); } $this->data[$ti[0]] = $ti[1]; } $sql .= " WHERE " . $this->keyfieldname . "='" . mysql_real_escape_string($this->key) . "'"; /* debug("it_db_record::update(): $sql"); */ $ret = $this->table->db->safe_sql_query($sql); /* Only re-read record if necessary (for performance), but always do post-processing. */ if ($raw) $this->read($this->key); else $this->_read_post_process(); return $ret; } /** * Delete the current record from the database * @param $key keyfield value of the record to be deleted. If this is missing, the current record is deleted. * @return MySQL result (0 means failure) */ function delete($key="") { if (!$key) $key = $this->key; if (($this->table->name == "") || ($this->keyfieldname == "") || ($key == "")) internal_error("it_db_record::delete(): no record\n"); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $this->table->name . " WHERE ". $this->keyfieldname . "='" . mysql_real_escape_string($key) . "'"; if ($result = $this->table->db->sql_query($sql)) { $this->key = ""; $this->data = array(); } return $result; } /** * Return a field of a record. * @param $field field name * @return field value. If the field does not exists, issue an * error message and terminate program execution. */ function safe_get_field($field) { if ($field) { if (isset($this->data[$field])) return $this->data[$field]; else internal_error("it_db_record::safe_get_field(): field \"$field\" not present in record."); } else internal_error("it_db_record::safe_get_field(): empty field name"); } /** * Output all fields of a record in (ugly) html format */ function dump_html() { echo "
Dump of table " . $this->table->name . ", record " . $this->keyfieldname . " = \"" . $this->key . "\":
	reset($this->data); next($this->data);
	while(list($key, $value) = each($this->data))
		if ($key > 0) continue;	/* $$$ ugly */
		echo $key . " = \"" . htmlspecialchars($value) . "\"\n";
	echo "

\n"; } /** * Edit a record of a table. Create a new record if necessary.
* Example:
* $record->edit($id, array('ID' => $id)); * * @param $key key value of the row to edit * @param $fixfields Array of fields not editable (with fixed values) * @return 1=changed, 2=created, -1=deleted, 0=nothing changed */ function edit($key, $fixfields = array()) { $returnresult = 0; $numfields = $this->table->num_fields(); if ($_REQUEST['_COMMAND']) { /* ** If the key field is changed, $key will carry a wrong value, so we ** take the correct one from $_RECORD_KEY_VALUE */ $key = $_REQUEST['_RECORD_KEY_VALUE']; switch($_REQUEST['_COMMAND']) { case "EDIT": $this->read($key); $newdata = array(); $changes = 0; for ($i=0; $i < $numfields; ++$i) { $fieldname = $this->table->fieldnames[$i]; /* Assumes field order is fixed */ if (isset($fixfields[$fieldname])) $newvalue = $fixfields[$fieldname]; else if (is_array($_REQUEST["_RECORD_$fieldname"])) $newvalue = join(',', $_REQUEST["_RECORD_$fieldname"]); else $newvalue = $_REQUEST["_RECORD_$fieldname"]; if ($this->data[$fieldname] != $newvalue) { $newdata[$fieldname] = $newvalue; $changes = 1; } } if ($changes) { if ($this->update($newdata)) { echo "Änderung erfolgreich durchgeführt.
\n"; $returnresult = 1; } else fail("Update failed."); } else echo "Keine Änderungen.
\n"; break; case "CREATE": $newdata = array(); for ($i=0; $i < $numfields; ++$i) { $fieldname = $this->table->fieldnames[$i]; if (isset($fixfields[$fieldname])) $newvalue = $fixfields[$fieldname]; else if (is_array($_REQUEST["_RECORD_$fieldname"])) $newvalue = join(',', $_REQUEST["_RECORD_$fieldname"]); else $newvalue = $_REQUEST["_RECORD_$fieldname"]; $newdata[$fieldname] = $newvalue; } if ($this->create($newdata)) { $key = $this->key; echo "Datensatz erzeugt.
\n"; $returnresult = 2; } else fail("Datensatz konnte nicht erzeugt werden."); break; case "DELETE": if ($this->delete($key)) { echo "Datensatz gelöscht.
\n"; $returnresult = -1; } else fail("Datensatz konnte nicht gelöscht werden."); break; default: fail("Unknown _COMMAND \"{$_REQUEST['_COMMAND']}\""); /* NOT REACHED */ } } if ($key != "") { $this->read($key); $cmd = "EDIT"; $buttontext = "Änderungen übernehmen"; } else { $cmd = "CREATE"; $buttontext = "Datensatz erzeugen"; } echo "
keyfieldname\">key\">\n"; echo "\n"; for ($i=0; $i < $numfields; ++$i) { $fieldname = $this->table->fieldnames[$i]; /* Do not display fix fields */ if (isset($fixfields[$fieldname])) continue; $fieldflags = $this->table->fieldflags[$i]; $fieldlen = $this->table->fieldlengths[$i]; $size = min($fieldlen, 65); if ($fieldname == $this->keyfieldname) echo ""; else echo ""; if (strstr($fieldflags, "blob")) { if (strlen($this->data["$fieldname"]) < 256) echo "\n"; else echo "\n"; } else if (strstr($fieldflags, "enum")) { $result = $this->table->db->safe_sql_query("SHOW columns FROM ". $this->table->name . " LIKE '$fieldname'"); $options = split("'", mysql_result($result, 0, 1)); $vals = explode(',', $this->data[$fieldname]); for ($j = 0; $j < count($vals); $j++) $values[$vals[$j]] = 1; if (strstr($options[0], 'set')) $attr = 'multiple'; else $attr = 'set="1"'; echo "\n"; } else echo "\n"; } echo "
data["$fieldname"]) . "\">

\n"; if ($this->key != "") echo "
\n"; return $returnresult; } } /* End class it_db_record */ ?>