'server' => "localhost",
'server_update' => null,
'user' => "itools",
'pw' => "24%^jXC~",
'safety' => 1, /* 0= never die, 1=die if query invalid, 2=die also if no results */
'keyfield' => "ID",
'createclasses' => false,
'classprefix' => "",
'autoincrement' => true,
'randomid' => false,
'sqllog' => false,
'persistent' => false,
# Key of currently loaded record or null (public readonly)
var $_key;
# Array of name => length of table fields
var $_fields;
* Constructor: Initialize the DBI interface
* @param $config array(key => value) of configuration data
* @param $query Optional initial query to run
function it_dbi($config = array(), $query = null)
# Shortcut: String config means use this table with default values
if (!is_array($config))
$config = array('table' => $config);
# Create current settings
foreach ($config + $this->_defaultconfig as $key => $value)
$var = "_$key";
$this->$var = $value;
unset($this->_defaultconfig); /* to shorten print_r() output */
if (!isset($this->_db))
if($config['home'] && ($site = it::match( "/www/([^/]+)", $config['home'])))
$this->_db = strtr( $site, ".-", "__" );
$this->_db = $GLOBALS['ULTRADB'];
$this->_dbid = "$this->_db/$this->_server/$this->_user";
$this->_defaults = "";
foreach($config as $key => $value)
if ($key != 'createclasses')
$this->_defaults .= "'$key' => '".strtr($value, array('\'' => '\\\'', '$' => '\\$'))."', ";
if ($this->_createclasses)
if (!($tables = mysql_list_tables($this->_db, $this->_link)))
$this->_fatal("it_dbi(): can't list on tables \"$this->_db\": " . mysql_error($this->_link));
for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($tables); $i++)
$this->createclass(mysql_tablename($tables, $i));
if (!$GLOBALS['it_dbi'] && !$config['table'])
$GLOBALS['it_dbi'] =& $this;
if (isset($query))
if (is_array($query))
function _connect()
if (!($this->_link = $GLOBALS['it_dbi_link'][$this->_dbid]))
# Use persistent connections but prevent reuse if only DB differs
if (!$this->_persistent || $GLOBALS['it_dbi_connected']["$this->_server/$this->_user"]++)
$this->_link = @mysql_connect($this->_server, $this->_user, $this->_pw, true);
$this->_link = @mysql_pconnect($this->_server, $this->_user, $this->_pw);
if (!$this->_link)
# One retry after a short delay (always non-persistent)
it::log('sqllog', "it_dbi(): retrying DB link (mysql_connect $this->_server, $this->_db): " . mysql_error());
$this->_link = @mysql_connect($this->_server, $this->_user, $this->_pw, true);
if (!$this->_link)
$this->_fatal("it_dbi(): can't create DB link (mysql_connect $this->_server, $this->_db): " . mysql_error());
if (!(@mysql_select_db($this->_db, $this->_link)))
$this->_fatal("it_dbi(): can't select database \"$this->_db\": " . mysql_error($this->_link));
$GLOBALS['it_dbi_link'][$this->_dbid] = $this->_link;
* Convert table given by name into a class
function createclass($table)
$classname = "$this->_classprefix$table";
if (!($result = @mysql_list_fields($this->_db, $table, $this->_link)))
$this->_fatal("it_dbi(): can't list fields \"$this->_db\": " . mysql_error($this->_link));
for ($fields=array(), $j=0; $j < mysql_num_fields($result); $j++)
$fields[mysql_field_name($result, $j)] = mysql_field_len($result, $j);
$flags = mysql_field_flags($result, $j);
if (strstr($flags, "primary_key"))
$keyfield = mysql_field_name($result, $j);
$autoincrement = (bool)strstr($flags, "auto_increment");
$randomid = (mysql_field_type($result, $j) == "string");
$fields = var_export($fields, true);
if ((substr($classname, 0, 4) != 'PMA_') && !class_exists($classname))
debug("it_dbi: creating class $classname", 5);
class $classname extends it_dbi
function $classname(\$query = null, \$config = array())
\$config += array({$this->_defaults}'table' => '$table', 'keyfield' => '$keyfield', 'autoincrement' => '$autoincrement', 'randomid' => '$randomid');
\$this->_fields = $fields;
\$this->it_dbi(\$config, \$query);
* Internal: construct SQL SET clause of changed values from member vars and tags array.
* Merge current values into $tags. Modifies caller's array (callers rely on it)!
function _set(&$tags)
# Add member vars to tags, considering unquoted fields
foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $field => $value)
# Don't use isset($tags[$field]) (would not handle null values correctly)
if (isset($this->_fields[$field]) && !array_key_exists('-'.$field, $tags) && !array_key_exists($field, $tags))
$tags[$field] = $value;
# Create SQL
$r = array();
foreach((array)$tags as $key => $value)
if (substr($key, 0, 1) == '-') # Unquoted value (always added)
$r[] = substr($key, 1)."=$value";
elseif (!isset($this->_data) || ($value !== $this->_data[$key])) # Add to SQL if value has changed
$r[] = "$key=".(isset($value) ? "'".mysql_real_escape_string($value, $this->_link)."'" : 'NULL');
return $r ? 'SET '.implode(', ', $r) : '';
* Create an SQL query (the stuff after 'WHERE') according to
* an array of selection criteria.
* Example:
* $sql = $table->construct_sql_clause(array('Type' => 'bar',
* 'Date >=' => '1999-01-01', '-Date <' => 'NOW()',
* 'User NI' => 'chris'), 'ORDER BY Date');
* @param $params optional array of fieldname => value tupels.
* These are ANDed to form a WHERE clause.
* fieldname can contain an operator (separated by space), the
* default operator is '='. The special operator 'NI' specifies
* that the argument must be contained in a comma-separated list.
* @param $sql Optional SQL addendum (added after $params), for ORDER BY etc.
* @param $omit_where (optional) Do not add 'WHERE ' at beginning of result (default: false)
* @return The generated SQL clause
* @see it_db_record::select, it_db_record::fetch_next
function _where($params='', $sql='', $omit_where=false)
if (is_array($params) && (count($params) > 0))
$query = '';
$sep = '';
foreach($params as $field => $value)
if (is_int($field)) /* no key specified; just append */
if ($field === $value) /* ignore array(1 => 1) et al */
$query .= " $value";
$needs_where = true;
if (!isset($value))
$op = 'IS';
$qval = 'NULL';
if (preg_match('/^(\S+)\s+(\S.*)$/', $field, $regs))
$field = $regs[1];
$op = strtoupper($regs[2]);
$op = '=';
/* If the field name starts with '-', the value is taken as raw,
no escaping is done and no quotes are put around it. */
if (substr($field, 0, 1) == '-')
$field = substr($field, 1); /* Strip that '-' sign */
$qval = $value;
else if (!is_array($value))
$qval = "'".mysql_real_escape_string((string)$value)."'";
switch ($op)
case 'NI':
$query .= $sep."CONCAT(',',$field,',') LIKE '%,$value,%'";
case 'IN':
case 'NOT IN':
if (is_array($value))
if ($value)
$query .= "$sep$field $op ('" . join("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $value)) . "')"; # null is mapped to ''
$query .= $sep . "0";
if (isset($qval))
$query .= "$sep$field $op $qval";
it::fatal('Undefined $qval when constructing query due to invalid $value (array)');
$sep = ' AND ';
if ($needs_where && !$omit_where)
$query = 'WHERE '.$query;
if ($sql)
$query .= ' ';
$query .= $sql;
return $query;
* Internal: Output class name::error message and terminate execution.
function _fatal($text)
* Post-process data after reading a record.
* This is a stub-function that can be overloaded.
function _read_post_process()
* Pre-process data before writing a record.
* This is a stub-function that can be overloaded.
* @param $tags Reference to update/create tags, can be modified as needed
function _write_pre_process(&$tags)
* Clear record
function clear($pp = true)
foreach ((array)$this->_fields as $key => $value)
$pp && $this->_read_post_process();
* Semi-internal: send a raw SQL query and return mysql result value
* @param $query complete SQL query string
* @return raw MySQL result. May die if query fails and safety is big enough
function query($query)
debug(get_class($this)."::query(\"$query\")", 4);
$start = gettimeofday();
if ($this->_server_update && !preg_match('/^(EXPLAIN|SELECT|SHOW) /i', $query))
if ($this->_link = @mysql_connect($this->_server_update, $this->_user, $this->_pw, true))
if (!mysql_select_db($this->_db, $this->_link))
$this->_fatal("Error selecting update database '$this->_db' on host '$this->_server_update'.");
$this->_server = $this->_server_update;
$GLOBALS['it_dbi_link'][$this->_dbid] = $this->_link; # Update link cache for switching between databases
#it::log('sqllog', "switched to update server $this->_server");
$this->_fatal("Error connecting to update database server '$this->_server_update' as user '$this->_user'.");
if (!($result = mysql_query($query, $this->_link)) && $this->_safety)
if (($this->_safety < 2) && (mysql_errno($this->_link) == 1062)) /* Duplicate entry */
return false;
$error = mysql_errno($this->_link).' ('.mysql_error($this->_link).')';
$trace = debug_backtrace();
$res = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query('select database()', $this->_link));
$this->_fatal("query(\"$query\") on {$res[0]} failed: $error\nfile {$trace[1]['file']} line {$trace[1]['line']}");
if ($this->_sqllog || EDC('sqllog'))
$end = gettimeofday();
$msec = round(($end['sec'] - $start['sec']) * 1000 + ($end['usec'] - $start['usec']) / 1000);
it::log('sqllog', "$msec\t$query");
return $result;
* Read a single record by primary key, not destroying old query result $this->_result
* @param $id primary key. If null, record is cleared
* @return True if record could be read, false if not.
function read($id=null)
$mres = $this->_result;
$result = $this->select(array($this->_keyfield => $id));
$this->_result = $mres;
return $result;
* Select a set of records from table and fetch the first one
* @param $query Optional array of (field => value) or (int => sqlstring) pairs. Defaults to null (select all records)
* Can contain magic field 'SELECT' for things like 'COUNT(*)' or 'DISTINCT foo', defaults to '*'
* Can contain magic field 'JOIN' for things like 'tableA LEFT JOIN tableB ON a=b', defaults to table name
* If magic field 'CALC_FOUND_ROWS' is true, sets member var _found_rows to number of matching rows without LIMIT
* If magic field 'NOFETCH' is true, then the first row is not prefetched (e.g. when directly using _result)
* @return Number of matching rows, use iterate() to fetch the next record
* @see it_dbi::iterate(), it_db_table::construct_sql_clause()
function select($query = null)
$result = 0;
$calc_found_rows = false;
$what = '*';
if (isset($query['SELECT']))
$what = $query['SELECT'];
$join = $this->_table;
if (isset($query['JOIN'])) # WARNING: this field gets abused for "tablename USE INDEX (fast2)
$join = $query['JOIN'];
if (isset($query['CALC_FOUND_ROWS']) && $query['CALC_FOUND_ROWS'])
$calc_found_rows = true;
$what = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS '.$what;
$nofetch = $this->_nofetch = isset($query['NOFETCH']) ? $query['NOFETCH'] : false;
if ($this->_result = $this->query($sql = "SELECT $what FROM $join " . $this->_where($query)))
$result = mysql_num_rows($this->_result);
if ($calc_found_rows)
list($count) = mysql_fetch_row($this->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()'));
$this->_found_rows = intval($count);
if (!$this->iterate() && ($this->_safety >= 2))
$this->_fatal("select(): query produced no results: \"$sql\"");
$this->_nofetch = !$nofetch;
return $result;
* Iterate through select()ed records
* @return true if another record was fetched, false if no more records
* @see it_dbi::select()
function iterate()
if (!$this->_nofetch)
if ($this->_data = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->_result))
if (!empty($this->_keyfield))
$this->_key = $this->_data[$this->_keyfield];
foreach ($this->_data as $key => $value)
$this->$key = $value;
$this->_nofetch = false;
return (bool)$this->_data;
* Insert a record into table. Values are taken from member vars and $tags.
* After inserting, all values are valid (record is read back).
* Does not destroy internal state of last select() call
* @param $tags Additional key => value pairs (these have priority over member vars)
function insert($tags = array(), $command = "INSERT")
/* Pre-processing, $tags is passed by reference and may be modified here */
unset($this->_data); # All new value set
$set = $this->_set($tags); # Update $tags (!) and generate SQL
if ($this->_randomid && !isset($tags[$this->_keyfield]))
$tags[$this->_keyfield] = md5(uniqid(mt_rand()));
$set = $this->_set($tags); # Generate new SQL containing ID
if ($result = $this->query("$command INTO $this->_table " . $set))
$id = ($this->_autoincrement && !isset($tags[$this->_keyfield])) ? mysql_insert_id($this->_link) : $tags[$this->_keyfield];
if (!$this->read($id) && $this->_safety)
$this->_fatal("insert(): can't read record back (key truncated?), id=\"$id\"");
return $result;
* Replace a record in a table
* @param $tags Additional key => value pairs (these have priority over member vars)
* Does not destroy internal state of last select() call
* @see it_dbi::insert()
function replace($tags = array())
return $this->insert($tags, "REPLACE");
* Update a record in a table
* @param $tags Additional key => value pairs (these have priority over member vars)
* Does not destroy internal state of last select() call
function update($tags = array(), $query = null)
$result = true;
/* Pre-processing, $tags is passed by reference and may be modified here */
if (!$query && !empty($this->_keyfield))
$query = array($this->_keyfield => $this->_data[$this->_keyfield]);
if ($set = $this->_set($tags))
if ($result = $this->query("UPDATE $this->_table $set " . $this->_where($query)))
if (isset($this->_key) && $this->read($this->_key))
$this->_nofetch = false; # So we can do while(iterate()) update();
return $result;
* Delete a record
* Does not destroy query result $this->_result
function delete($query = null)
$result = 0;
if (!$query && $this->_keyfield)
$query = array($this->_keyfield => $this->_key);
if ($query)
if ($this->query(($sql = "DELETE FROM $this->_table " . $this->_where($query))))
$result = mysql_affected_rows($this->_link);
return $result;
} /* End class it_dbi */