. ** ** it.class - static functions */ class it { static $stdin_args = array(); static $stdin = null; static $stdin_filename = ""; static $stdin_line = 0; /** * Clone an object and return copy, works for all PHP versions */ function &cloneobj(&$object) { $result = (is_object($object) && version_compare(zend_version(), 2, '>=')) ? clone($object) : $object; return $result; # PHP internals need a tmp var to return by ref } /** * Append a line to a logfile in log/. Date will be added to filename and line * @param $name Name of logfile * @param $line1 Line to append (varargs) */ function log($name /* ... */) { $args = func_get_args(); $line = date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\t" . implode("\t", array_slice($args, 1)) . "\n"; $fn = $GLOBALS['ULTRAHOME'] . "/log/$name-" . date('Ymd'); $existed = file_exists($fn); if ($fh = fopen($fn, "a")) { fputs($fh, $line); fclose($fh); if (!$existed) { @chgrp($fn, "www"); @symlink($fn, $GLOBALS['ULTRAHOME'] . "/log/$name"); } } } /** * Store timings for appending to log/timer_log-* in auto_append.php */ function timerlog($label = '') { if ($GLOBALS['debug_timerlog']) { $s = $GLOBALS['ULTRATIME']; $e = gettimeofday(); $msec= ($e['sec'] - $s['sec']) * 1000 + ($e['usec'] - $s['usec']) / 1000; $GLOBALS['ULTRATIMERLOG'] .= sprintf(" %s:%d", $label, $msec); } } /** * Send error report either to browser (on devel/twin machines) or by email to .diffnotice guys * @parma $title (optional) error title, one line * @param $body (optional) error body, multiline * @param $to (optional) comma separated recipient list * @param named parameter id identifier of error. if given, only subsequent errors of same id will trigger message * @param named parameter graceperiod number of seconds within which additional errors are ignored if id is set * @param named parameter timewindow number of seconds after graceperiod within which the second error must occur if id is set */ function error($p = array(), $body = "", $to = "") { if (is_array($p)) { $title = $p['title']; $body = $p['body']; $to = $p['to']; } else { $title = $p; $p = array(); } $p += array('timewindow' => 25*3600, 'graceperiod' => 60); if (!$to) $to = strtr(trim(@file_get_contents($GLOBALS['ULTRAHOME'] . "/.diffnotice")), array("\n"=>',', ' '=>'')); if ($p['id']) { $stampfn = $GLOBALS['ULTRAHOME'] . "/tmp/errstamp_" . urlencode($p['id']); $stampage = time() - @filemtime($stampfn); $lastsentfn = "/tmp/alertdata/" . $p['id']; if ($stampage >= $p['graceperiod'] && $stampage <= $p['graceperiod'] + $p['timewindow']) $sendalert = true; if ($stampage >= $p['graceperiod']) # constantly occurring errors should not suppress mail touch($stampfn); } else { $lastsentfn = "/tmp/alertdata/" . getmyuid() . "." . $to; $sendalert = true; } if ($sendalert && (!ereg('live', $GLOBALS['ULTRASERVERTYPE']) || (time() - @filemtime($lastsentfn)) > 3600)) { @mkdir("/tmp/alertdata"); @chmod("/tmp/alertdata", 0777); touch($lastsentfn); @chmod($lastsentfn, 0666); $url = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? "https://" : "http://") . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (!$title) $title="Error in $url"; if (!function_exists('memory_get_usage') || (memory_get_usage() < 50000000)) { $trace = "\n\nTrace: " . it_debug::backtrace(); $stack = "\n\nStack:\n" . print_r(debug_backtrace(), true); } $body .= "\nUrl: $url$trace\n\n\$_REQUEST: ".print_r($_REQUEST, true) . "\n\$_SERVER: " . print_r($_SERVER, true) . $stack; if (!ereg('live', $GLOBALS['ULTRASERVERTYPE'])) { echo "
$title\n$body\n"; } else { $cmd = "alert -l " . escapeshellarg($to) . " 4 " . escapeshellarg($title); EDC('exec', $cmd); if (($pipe = popen($cmd, "w"))) { fputs($pipe, $body); pclose($pipe); } } } error_log("it::error: ".$title); } /** * Same as error(), plus exit */ function fatal($title='', $body='', $to='') { it::error($title, $body, $to); exit(1); } /** * Print message to stderr and exit with error code */ function bail($message = "Bailed.\n") { fputs(STDERR, $message); exit(1); } /** * Convert a string to ASCII-only chars, map/strip ISO-8859-1 accents * @param $text Text to convert * @return mapped/stripped version of $text contains only chars [0..127] */ function toascii($text) { return strtr(strtr($text, 'ÇéâàåçêëèïîìÅÉôòûùÿøØáíóúñÑÁÂÀãÃÊËÈÍÎÏÓÔõÕÚÛÙýÝ', 'CeaaaceeeiiiAEoouuyooaiounNAAAaAEEEIIIOOoOUUUyY'), array('ä' => 'ae', 'ö' => 'oe', 'ü' => 'ue', 'Ä' => 'Ae', 'Ö' => 'Oe', 'Ü' => 'Ue', 'æ' => 'ae', 'Æ' => 'Ae', 'ß' => 'ss')); } /** * Convert regex for preg (adds and escapes delimiter, adds modifiers) * @param $pattern Regex to convert * @param named parameter casesensitive Regex is case sensitive (omit modifier i) * @param named parameter multiline add modifier m * @param named parameter singleline add modifier s * @param named parameter utf8 add modifier u * @param named parameter extended add modifier x * @return converted regex to use with preg */ function convertregex($pattern, $p = array()) { $pattern = preg_replace('|/|', '\/', $pattern); $modifiers = ''; if (!$p['casesensitive']) $modifiers .= 'i'; foreach (array( 'multiline' => 'm', 'singleline' => 's', 'utf8' => 'u', 'extended' => 'x', ) as $key => $mod) { if ($p[$key]) $modifiers .= $mod; } return "/$pattern/$modifiers"; } /** * Try to match string against regex. See convertregex for additional named parameters. * @param $pattern Regex to match against * @param $string String to match * @param named parameter offset_capture Set flag preg_offset_capture (returns offsets with the matches). * @param named parameter all Return every match as array instead of first match. * @return Matched string or false */ function match($pattern, $string, $p = array()) { $flags = 0; if($p['offset_capture']) $flags |= PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE; $oldlocale = setlocale( LC_CTYPE, 0 ); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'de_CH'); if ($p['all']) $r = preg_match_all(it::convertregex($pattern, $p), $string, $m, $flags | PREG_PATTERN_ORDER, $p['offset']); else $r = preg_match(it::convertregex($pattern, $p), $string, $m, $flags, $p['offset']); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $oldlocale); if (!$r) # no match $result = $p['all'] ? array() : null; else if (count($m) == 1) # no capture $result = $m[0]; else if (count($m) == 2) # one capture $result = $m[1]; else if ($p['all'] && !$p['pattern_order']) # captures, reorder pattern_order to set_order but without first element $result = call_user_func_array('array_map', array_merge(array(null), array_slice($m, 1))); else # captures, don't return first element (matched string) $result = array_slice($m, 1); return $result; } /** * Replace parts of a string matched by a pattern with according replacement string. See convertregex for named parameters. * @param $replacementes Array with patterns as keys and replacement strings as values. * @param $string String to change. * @return New string. */ function replace($replacements, $string, $p = array()) { $patterns = array(); foreach (array_keys($replacements) as $pattern) $patterns[] = it::convertregex($pattern, $p); $oldlocale = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'de_CH'); $result = preg_replace($patterns, array_values($replacements), $string, isset($p['limit']) ? $p['limit'] : -1); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $oldlocale); return $result; } /** * Extract key => value pairs from assoc array by key * @param $array array to filter * @param $keys array of keys to keep */ function filter_keys($array, $keys) { $result = array(); $keep = array_flip($keys); foreach ($array as $key => $val) if (isset($keep[$key])) $result[$key] = $val; return $result; } /** * Construct shell command, log it, execute it and return output as string. * Keywords {keyword} are replace a la ET(), {-opts} takes an array and * inserts options a la it_html attributes (value, true, false or null) * @param $cmd Format string with {keywords} replace a la ET() * @param $values (zero, one or more arrays can be passed) * @return output of command. shell errors not detectable, see error_log in /www/server/logs */ function exec(/* $cmd, $values1 = array(), ... */) { $args = func_get_args(); $cmd = array_shift($args); $values = array(); # Merge values into one array foreach ($args as $arg) $values += (array)$arg; while (list($tag, $option, $key) = it::match('({(-?)(\w+)})', $cmd)) { $parts = array(); if ($option) { foreach ((array)$values["-$key"] as $key => $value) { if ($value === true || $value === false || $value === null) $parts[] = $value ? $key : ""; else $parts[] = "$key " . it::_exec_quotevalue($value); } } else { foreach ((array)$values[$key] as $value) $parts[] = it::_exec_quotevalue($value); } $cmd = str_replace($tag, join(" ", $parts), $cmd); } $s = gettimeofday(); $result = EDC('noexec') ? "" : (string)shell_exec($cmd); $e = gettimeofday(); $msec= intval(($e['sec'] - $s['sec']) * 1000 + ($e['usec'] - $s['usec']) / 1000); it::log('exec', "$msec\t$cmd"); return $result; } function _exec_quotevalue($value) { $result = strval($value); if (it::match('^-', $result)) it::fatal("leading - in value"); return escapeshellarg($result); } /** * Convert an image to a given size and type (ensures input is an image) * @param $p['in'] Input filename (mandatory) * @param $p['out'] Output filename (mandatory) * @param $p['size'] Width x height of resulting image, e.g. "160x60" * @param $p['type'] Output file type, e.g. "jpg" * @param $p['types'] Comma separated list of accepted input types, default "gif,jpg,png,bmp,tif,jp2" * @return Success of convert as true/false */ function imageconvert($p) { $result = false; $type = it::replace(array("jpeg" => "jpg", "tiff" => "tif"), image_type_to_extension(@exif_imagetype($p['in']), false)); $p += array('type' => $type, 'types' => "gif,jpg,png,bmp,tif,jp2"); if (it::match(",$type,", ",{$p['types']},")) # Valid type? $result = it::exec("convert 2>&1 -flatten -quality 75 {-opts} {in} {type}:{out}", array('-opts' => array('-thumbnail' => $p['size'])), $p) === ""; return $result; } /** * Parse command line options with Usage given as template. Example: * Usage: myprogram.php [OPTIONS] PATTERN * -s, --short Use short ouput * -f, --file=FILE Use FILE for input * -x EXTENSION Ignore EXTENSION * Value always stored in long opt. Use double blank before explanation. Non-option text ignored. * Mandatory non-option arguments are stored under their lowercased name. * @param $helplines Usage parsed to determine options * @return Associative array of opts: Boolean options are set to true, remaining args returned in 'args' */ function getopt($helplines) { $result = array('args' => array()); if ($indentation = it::match('^\s+', $helplines)) $helplines = it::replace($indentation => "\n", $helplines); foreach(explode("\n", trim($helplines)) as $helpline) { $shortoptname = $shortoptarg = $longoptname = $longoptarg = ""; foreach (explode(',', $helpline) as $optdesc) { $optdesc = trim($optdesc); if ($matches = (array)it::match('^--(\w[\w-]*)(=[A-Z])?', $optdesc)) list($longoptname, $longoptarg) = $matches; elseif ($matches = (array)it::match('^-(\w)( [A-Z])?', $optdesc)) list($shortoptname, $shortoptarg) = $matches; } if ($longoptname || $shortoptname) { if ($longoptname && $shortoptname) $alias[$shortoptname] = $longoptname; $witharg[$longoptname ? $longoptname : $shortoptname] = $longoptarg || $shortoptarg; } } $mandatoryargs = array(); if ($tmp = trim(it::replace("\n.*" => "", "^\S+\s+\S+\s*" => "", "\[.*?\]\s*" => "", trim($helplines)))) $mandatoryargs = preg_split('/\s+/', $tmp); foreach (array_slice($_SERVER['argv'], 1) as $arg) { if ($eat) { if (it::match('^--?\w', $arg)) # Already next option => Missing argument? $err = true; else $result[array_shift($eat)] = $arg; } elseif ($matches = (array)it::match('^--(\w[\w-]*)(=\S*)?', $arg)) { list($optname, $val) = $matches; if (!isset($witharg[$optname]) || isset($val) && !$witharg[$optname]) $err = true; else if($witharg[$optname] && !$val) $eat[] = $optname; else $result[$optname] = $val ? substr($val, 1) : true; } else if ($letters = it::match('^-(\w+)', $arg)) { foreach (str_split($letters, 1) as $letter) { $optname = $alias[$letter] ? $alias[$letter] : $letter; if ($witharg[$optname]) $eat[] = $optname; else if (!isset($witharg[$optname])) $err = true; else $result[$optname] = true; } } elseif($mandatoryargs) $result[strtolower(array_shift($mandatoryargs))] = $arg; else $result['args'][] = $arg; } if ($err || $eat || $result['h'] || $result['help'] || $mandatoryargs) { fputs(($result['h'] || $result['help'] ? STDOUT : STDERR), trim($helplines) . "\n"); exit(1); } it::$stdin_args = $result['args'] ? $result['args'] : array("-"); it::_stdin_next(); return $result; } function _stdin_next() { if ($result = it::$stdin_args) { it::$stdin_filename = array_shift(it::$stdin_args); it::$stdin = (it::$stdin_filename == "-") ? STDIN : @fopen(it::$stdin_filename, "r"); it::$stdin_line = 0; } return $result; } /** * Get one line from stdin (or files given on command line) a la Perl <>. * Note: You need to call getopt() before using this function. * @return Line (including newline) or false on eof */ function gets() { do { $result = fgets(it::$stdin); } while (($result === false) && it::_stdin_next()); it::$stdin_line++; return $result; } } ?>