. */ $GLOBALS['ULTRATIME'] = microtime(true); unset($GLOBALS['IT_SYNTAXCONVERTER_DIR']); # Security measure for register_globals on #$debug_itclassloader = true; if ($it_convertedmainfile = it_initialize()) { require($it_convertedmainfile); exit; } function it_initialize() { $result = false; static $it_initrecursion; if (!$it_initrecursion++) { register_shutdown_function('it_shutdown'); $error_reporting = error_reporting(); error_reporting($error_reporting & ~E_NOTICE); # ITools is not (unpatched) E_NOTICE safe $it_path = dirname(__FILE__); if ($webmode = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) # Web? { $GLOBALS['ULTRAHOME'] = dirname($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); umask(0002); # Work around bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=28401 $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } else # Shell $GLOBALS['ULTRAHOME'] = dirname(dirname(preg_match('|^/|', $argv[0]) ? $argv[0] : getcwd() . '/' . $argv[0])); $include_path = ini_get('include_path'); @set_error_handler("it_errorhandler", E_USER_ERROR | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_USER_WARNING | E_NOTICE | E_USER_NOTICE); error_reporting($error_reporting); # Restore user setting once we installed error handler if (function_exists('spl_autoload_register') && spl_autoload_register('it_classloader')) { ini_set('include_path', $it_path . PATH_SEPARATOR . $include_path); require_once("$it_path/auto_prepend.php"); if (file_exists("$it_path/auto_prepend_local.php")) require_once("$it_path/auto_prepend_local.php"); } else { ini_set('include_path', "$it_path/.." . PATH_SEPARATOR . $include_path); require("itools.lib"); # PHP 4 fallback } # IT_HOME is recommended variable name for applications $GLOBALS['IT_HOME'] = $GLOBALS['ULTRAHOME'] = it_untaint($GLOBALS['ULTRAHOME'], TC_ALL); try { $needsconvert = $GLOBALS['IT_SYNTAXCONVERTER_DIR'] !== false && !@eval("return is_array(42=>69,);"); } catch (Error $needsconvert) {} # Check if PHP is patched to support our syntax, see http://cschneid.com/php/ if ($needsconvert && !$GLOBALS['IT_SYNTAXCONVERTER_DIR']) { $GLOBALS['IT_SYNTAXCONVERTER_DIR'] = $GLOBALS['ULTRAHOME'] . "/tmp"; if (!is_writeable($GLOBALS['IT_SYNTAXCONVERTER_DIR']) || !function_exists("posix_geteuid") || posix_geteuid() != fileowner($GLOBALS['IT_SYNTAXCONVERTER_DIR'])) die(($webmode ? "
" : "") . "Seems to be running in shared environment, manually set\n\$GLOBALS['IT_SYNTAXCONVERTER_DIR'] in $it_path/auto_prepend_local.php\nto either:\n  a) FALSE (syntax conversion disabled) or\n  b) the path to a writeable directory (NOTE: THIS IS UNSAFE!) or\n  c) install the PHP patch from http://cschneid.com/php/\n" . ($webmode ? "
" : "")); } ini_set('include_path', ($GLOBALS['IT_SYNTAXCONVERTER_DIR'] ? $GLOBALS['IT_SYNTAXCONVERTER_DIR'] . "/it_syntaxconverter" . PATH_SEPARATOR : '') . $it_path . PATH_SEPARATOR . $include_path); $user_includes = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $include_path); # XXX Note: Comment this out if you want system wide include path converted and auto_prepend.php considered $user_includes = array_diff($user_includes, array_diff(explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, get_cfg_var('include_path')), array("."))); foreach (array_reverse($user_includes) as $include) { if ($include == ".") $include = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); if ($needsconvert) it_convert($include); if (@file_exists($autoprepend = "$include/auto_prepend.php")) { if ($needsconvert && ($include != $it_path)) $autoprepend = it_convert($autoprepend); require_once($autoprepend); if (file_exists("$include/auto_prepend_local.php")) require_once("$include/auto_prepend_local.php"); } } if (!isset($GLOBALS['it_html'])) new it_html; if ($needsconvert) { # Convert syntax (we will return name of converted script to global context to start it there) $result = it_convert(it_untaint($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], TC_SELF)); } } return $result; } function it_convert($source) { $sourcerelpath = it::replace(array('^(/|\w:)' => ""), $source); # Remove leading / or C: if (@is_dir($source)) { if (!@is_link($source) && !file_exists("$source/.no_it_syntaxconvert")) { ini_set('include_path', $GLOBALS['IT_SYNTAXCONVERTER_DIR'] . "/it_syntaxconverter/$sourcerelpath" . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path')); foreach (glob("$source/*") as $file) it_convert($file); } } else if (@is_readable($source)) { $converted = $GLOBALS['IT_SYNTAXCONVERTER_DIR'] . "/it_syntaxconverter/$sourcerelpath"; $stat = @lstat($converted); $mtimeconverted = $stat[9]; if ($mtimeconverted < filemtime($source)) { if ($changed = filesize($source) < 200000) # Do not attempt to convert anything above 200k to avoid large memory consumption { if (substr($code = file_get_contents($source), 0, 3) == '#!/') $code = preg_replace('/^[^\r\n]*[\r\n]+/', '', $code); # Remove shebang line when converting syntax $converter = new it_syntaxconverter($code); $parts = explode("/", dirname($converted)); for ($i = 1; $i <= count($parts); $i++) @mkdir(implode("/", array_slice($parts, 0, $i)), 0700); if ($changed = $converter->changes) { @unlink($converted); if ($output = fopen($converted, "w")) { fputs($output, $converter->output); fclose($output); } } } if (!$changed) # Link to original file if no changes made { @unlink($converted); $symlink = function_exists("symlink") ? "symlink" : "copy"; # symlink() does not exist on Windows $symlink(realpath($source), $converted); } clearstatcache(); } } return $converted; } function it_classloader($classname) { if (!preg_match('/:/', $classname) && ($file = @fopen("$classname.class", "r", true))) # Check if file is local (does not contain ':', i.e. no protocol like http:) for file in include path, do not use @include to get failures on inheritance { include("$classname.class"); fclose($file); } else it_dbi::createclass($classname); EDC('ultraclassloader', $classname, it_debug::backtrace()); } function it_errorhandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext = []) { $error_reporting = error_reporting(0); # Disable error reporting while handling error if ($result = $error_reporting & $errno) # Is this error enabled? { static $it_errnames = array(); if (!$it_errnames) { foreach (get_defined_constants() as $name => $no) { if (preg_match('/^E_/', $name)) $it_errnames[$no] = "$name: "; } } $error = array( 'title' => $it_errnames[$errno] . $errstr, 'locals' => $errcontext, 'file' => $errfile, 'line' => $errline, 'backtraceskip' => 1, ); switch ($errno) { case E_USER_ERROR: case E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: it::fatal($error); break; case E_NOTICE: if ((dirname($errfile) == dirname(__FILE__)) && preg_match('/undefined|non-object/i', $errstr)) { $result = true; # Silence E_NOTICE about undefined stuff in ITools files break; } # FALLTHROUGH default: it::error($error); break; } } error_reporting($error_reporting); return $result; # True means do not execute standard PHP error handler } function it_shutdown() { if (isset($GLOBALS['debug_timerlog']) && !empty($GLOBALS['ULTRATIMERLOG'])) it::log('timerlog', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\t" . substr($GLOBALS['ULTRATIMERLOG'], 1)); }