link = @mysql_connect($host, $username, $password, true)) { if (mysql_select_db($databasename, $this->link)) { $this->host = $host; $this->name = $databasename; } else it::fatal("Can't select database \"$databasename\" on host \"$host\"."); } else it::fatal("Can't connect to database server \"$host\" as user \"$username\"."); if ($host_update) { $this->host_update = $host_update; $this->username = $username; $this->password = $password; } } /** * Perform an SQL query. * @see ::safe_sql_query, mysql_query * @param $sql SQL query * @return SQL handle or false in case of failure */ function sql_query($sql) { debug("it_db::sql_query($sql) on {$this->host}", 5); /* ** If we have a special update host, and an update operation is to be ** performed, we switch to this host. And we stay forever and ever and ever... */ if ($this->host_update && eregi('^(UPDATE|INSERT|REPLACE|DELETE|ALTER) ', $sql)) { /*debug('it_db::sql_query(): switching to update host "'.$this->host_update.'"', 3); */ if ($this->link = @mysql_connect($this->host_update, $this->username, $this->password, true)) { if (mysql_select_db($this->name, $this->link)) $this->host = $this->host_update; else it::fatal('Error selecting update database "'.$this->name.'" on host "'.$this->host_update.'".'); $this->host_update=''; } else it::fatal('Error connecting to update database server "'.$this->host_update.'" as user "'.$this->username.'".'); } return mysql_query($sql, $this->link); } /** * Perform an SQL query. If the query fails, issue an error message * and terminate program execution. No matching rows does not mean failure. * @see ::sql_query, mysql_query * @param $sql SQL query * @return SQL handle */ function safe_sql_query($sql) { /* debug("it_db::safe_sql_query($sql)", 4); */ if ($result = $this->sql_query($sql)) return $result; else { if ($this->errno() == 1062) /* Duplicate entry */ return 0; fail('SQL-Query db "'.$this->name.'" host "'.$this->host."\" failed: \"$sql\":
".$this->error().' ('.$this->errno().')'); } } /** * Free resources used by SQL handle * @see mysql_free_result * @param $handle SQL handle * @return */ function free($handle) { return mysql_free_result($handle); } /** * Fetch a row as an array * @see mysql_fetch_array * @param $handle SQL handle * @return numeric & associative array with contents of table row */ function fetch_array($handle) { return mysql_fetch_array($handle); } /** * Fetch a row as an associative array * @see mysql_fetch_array * @param $handle SQL handle * @return associative array with contents of table row */ function fetch_assoc($handle) { return mysql_fetch_assoc($handle); } /** * Return number of rows of a query * @see mysql_num_rows * @param $handle SQL handle * @return number of rows the query returned */ function num_rows($handle) { return mysql_num_rows($handle); } /** * Return number of found rows of a limited query that had SQL_COUNT_FOUND_ROWS set * @return number of rows the query would have returned without LIMIT */ function found_rows() { list($count) = mysql_fetch_row($this->safe_sql_query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()')); return intval($count); } /* Internal: get information about tables */ function _get_table_info() { if ($this->numtables > 0) /* Already done! */ return; if(($tables = mysql_list_tables($this->name,$this->link)) >= 0) { $this->numtables = mysql_numrows($tables); for ($i=0; $i < $this->numtables; ++$i) { $name = mysql_tablename($tables, $i); $this->tablenames[$i] = $name; } } else it::fatal("mysql_list_tables($this->name,$this->link) failed."); } /** * Return a list of all table names of this database * @return array with tablenames of this Database */ function table_names() { $this->_get_table_info(); return $this->tablenames; } /** * Return number of tables in this database */ function num_tables() { $this->_get_table_info(); return $this->numtables; } /** * Return last error number * @see ::sql_query, ::safe_sql_query, mysql_errno * @return last mySQL error number */ function errno() { return mysql_errno($this->link); } /** * Return last error string * @see ::sql_query, ::safe_sql_query, mysql_error * @return last mySQL error message */ function error() { return mysql_error($this->link); } } /* End class it_db */ ?>