. ** ** dbi.class - UltraFlexible Database Interface 3000 */ class it_dbi { # Default configuration of dbi class var $_defaultconfig = array ( 'db' => null, 'server' => "localhost", 'server_update' => null, 'user' => "itools", 'pw' => "", 'safety' => 1, # 0= never die, 1=die if query invalid, 2=die also if no results #'keyfield' => 'ID', # Don't set to null here, filled later by _get_field_info() 'classprefix' => "", 'getfieldinfo' => true, # do not read schema. only select() allowed ); var $_key; # Key of currently loaded record or null (public readonly) var $_fields; # Array of name => array(Field,Type,Null,Key,Default,Extra,Length) of fields (public readonly) var $_isint; # Array of name => bool if field is an INT field var $_link; # DB link identifier (private) /** * Constructor: Initialize the DBI interface * @param $p optional array(key => value) of configuration data * @param $query Optional initial query to run */ function it_dbi($p = array(), $query = null) { # Shortcut: String config means use this table with default values if (!is_array($p)) $p = array('table' => $p); if ($p['home']) $p['db'] = strtr(it::match('/www/([^/]*)', $p['home']), '.-', '__'); # If the global singleton defaults are for this db/server/server_update then use them. $dp = (array)$GLOBALS['it_dbi']->_p; if ((!isset($p['db']) || ($p['db'] == $dp['db'])) && (!isset($p['server']) || ($p['server'] == $dp['server'])) && (!isset($p['server_update']) || ($p['server_update'] == $dp['server_update']))) $p += $dp; # Combine our settings with user's defaults and class defaults $p += (array)$GLOBALS['it_dbi_defaultconfig'] + array('db' => $GLOBALS['ULTRADB']) + $this->_defaultconfig; unset($this->_defaultconfig); # to shorten ED() output $this->_p = $p; if ($p['table']) # Standard use: create a table object { if (!isset($GLOBALS['it_dbi'])) new it_dbi; if ($p['getfieldinfo']) $this->_p += $this->_get_field_info(); # Get $this->_fields and p[keyfield, autoincrement, randomid] if (is_array($query)) { # Call with all arguments except first one $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); call_user_func_array(array($this, "select"), $args); } elseif (isset($query)) $this->read($query); } else $GLOBALS['it_dbi'] =& $this; } /** * function Tablename($query) * Constructor. Returns record object from table Tablename. * If $query is set, it encodes a SELECT to execute and store in the returned object, see select() * Note: Old second parameter $config has been deprecated and will be removed */ #:} /** * Factory: Create classes of all database tables. Call statically. * @param $p array(key => value) of configuration data */ function createclasses($p = array()) { # Make sure singleton exists $dbi = $GLOBALS['it_dbi'] ? $GLOBALS['it_dbi'] : new it_dbi($p); $p += $dbi->_p; $dbid = "{$p['user']}@{$p['server']}:{$p['db']}"; $state = it_dbi::_state_get($dbid); if (!$tables = $state['tables']) { for ($tables = array(), $res = $dbi->query('SHOW TABLES', $p); $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);) $tables[] = $row[0]; $state['tables'] = $tables; it_dbi::_state_put($dbid, $state); } foreach ($tables as $table) { # Either create class in autoloader or manually just below if (!class_exists($p['classprefix'] . $table)) it_dbi::createclass(array('table' => $table) + $p); } } /** * Convert table given by name into a class */ function createclass($p) { # Shortcut: String config means use this table with default values if (!is_array($p)) $p = array('table' => $p); # Make sure singleton exists $dbi = $GLOBALS['it_dbi'] ? $GLOBALS['it_dbi'] : new it_dbi(array('table' => null) + $p); $p += $dbi->_p; # FIXME: (has to be checked for side effects!) $dbid = "{$p['user']}@{$p['server']}:{$p['db']}"; if (!isset($dbi->_tables[$dbid])) { $state = it_dbi::_state_get($dbid); $dbi->_tables[$dbid] = array(); if (!($tables = $state['tables'])) { for ($tables = array(), $res = $dbi->query('SHOW TABLES', $p); $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);) $tables[] = $row[0]; $state['tables'] = $tables; it_dbi::_state_put($dbid, $state); } foreach ($tables as $table) $dbi->_tables[$dbid][$table] = true; } if ($p['forcecreate'] || $dbi->_tables[$dbid][$p['table']]) # Do not generate classes for non-existant tables (can be overridden by forcecreate => true, used in tests/it_dbi.t) { $classname = $p['classprefix'] . $p['table']; if (substr($classname, 0, 4) != 'PMA_') # It is designed behaviour that an error is generated if this class already exists! { $interface = function_exists("interface_exists") && interface_exists("Iterator", false) ? "implements Iterator" : ""; $code = "class $classname extends it_dbi $interface { function $classname(/* \$query ... */) { \$args = func_get_args(); \$query = array_shift(\$args); # Preserve type (scalar/array) in single parameter case foreach (\$args as \$arg) \$query = array_merge((array)\$query, (array)\$arg); \$this->it_dbi(" . var_export($p, true) . ", \$query); } }"; debug("it_dbi::createclass('{$p['table']}'): creating class $classname, dbid=$dbid", 5); eval($code); } } } /** * INTERNAL: Connect to mysql server and maintain a global link cache */ function _connect($p = array()) { $p += $this->_p; $dbid = "{$p['user']}@{$p['server']}:{$p['db']}"; $state = it_dbi::_state_get($dbid); if ($p['reconnect'] || !($this->_link = $state['link'])) { # Force new link if same server/user was seen before (mysql ignores selected db) if ($GLOBALS['it_dbi']->_connected["{$p['server']}/{$p['user']}"]++) $this->_link = @mysql_connect($p['server'], $p['user'], $p['pw'], true); else $this->_link = @mysql_connect($p['server'], $p['user'], $p['pw']); if (!$this->_link) { # One retry after a short delay it::log('sqllog', "it_dbi(): retrying DB link (mysql_connect {$p['server']}, {$p['db']}): " . mysql_error()); sleep(1); $this->_link = @mysql_connect($p['server'], $p['user'], $p['pw'], true); } if (!$this->_link) $this->_fatal("_connect(): can't create DB link (mysql_connect {$p['user']}@{$p['server']}, {$p['db']})"); if (!(@mysql_select_db($p['db'], $this->_link))) $this->_fatal("_connect(): can't select database \"{$p['db']}\""); $state['link'] = $this->_link; it_dbi::_state_put($dbid, $state); } } /** * INTERNAL: construct SQL SET clause of changed values from member vars and tags array. */ function _set($tags, $allfields = false) { $r = array(); foreach((array)$tags as $field => $value) { if (substr($field, 0, 1) == '-') # Unquoted value (always added) $r[] = substr($field, 1)."=$value"; else if ($allfields || ($value !== $this->_data[$field])) $r[] = "$field=".(isset($value) ? "'".mysql_real_escape_string($value, $this->_link)."'" : 'NULL'); } return $r ? 'SET '.implode(', ', $r) : ''; } /** * Create an SQL query (the stuff after 'WHERE') according to an array of selection criteria. * * Example: * $sql = $table->_where(array('Type' => 'bar', * 'Date >=' => '1999-01-01', '-Date <' => 'NOW()', * 'User NI' => 'chris'), 'ORDER BY Date'); * * @param $params optional array of fieldname => value tupels. These are ANDed to form a WHERE clause. * fieldname can contain an operator (separated by space), the default operator is '='. * The special operator 'NI' specifies that the argument must be contained in a comma-separated list. * @param $link DB link used to escape values * @param $omit_where Do not add 'WHERE ' to result * @return The generated SQL clause * @see select() * @see iterate() */ function _where($params = "", $link = null, $omit_where = false) { if (is_array($params) && (count($params) > 0)) { $query = ''; $stringquery = ''; $sep = ''; foreach($params as $field => $value) { if (is_int($field)) /* no key specified; just append */ { $stringquery .= " $value"; } else { $needs_where = true; if (!isset($value)) { $op = 'IS'; $qval = 'NULL'; } else { if (preg_match('/^(\S+)\s+(\S.*)$/', $field, $regs)) { $field = $regs[1]; $op = strtoupper($regs[2]); } else $op = '='; # If field name starts with '-', the raw value is taken, no escaping is done and no quotes are put around it. if (substr($field, 0, 1) == '-') { $field = substr($field, 1); # Strip that '-' sign $qval = $value; } else if (!is_array($value)) $qval = "'" . ($link ? mysql_real_escape_string((string)$value, $link) : mysql_real_escape_string((string)$value)) . "'"; } switch ($op) { case 'NI': $query .= $sep."CONCAT(',',$field,',') LIKE '%,$value,%'"; break; case 'IN': case 'NOT IN': if (is_array($value)) { if ($value) { $qvals = array(); foreach ($value as $val) $qvals[] = $link ? mysql_real_escape_string($val, $link) : mysql_real_escape_string($val); $query .= "$sep$field $op ('" . join("','", $qvals) . "')"; # null is mapped to '' } else $query .= $sep . (($op == 'IN') ? "0" : "1"); break; } /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: if (isset($qval)) $query .= "$sep$field $op $qval"; else it::fatal('Undefined $qval when constructing query due to invalid $value (array)'); break; } $sep = ' AND '; } } $query .= $stringquery; if ($needs_where && !$omit_where) $query = "WHERE $query"; } return $query; } /** * Internal: Output class name::error message and terminate execution. */ function _fatal($text) { $text = get_class($this).'::'.$text; if ($this->_link && ($errstr = mysql_error($this->_link))) $text = "\"$errstr\" in $text [errno " . mysql_errno($this->_link) . "]"; if ($this->_link && ($res = @mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query('select database()', $this->_link)))) # dont create extra errs $text .= ", DB: " . $res[0]; it::fatal($text . ", Server: " . $this->_p['server']); /* NOT REACHED */ } /** * Post-process data after reading a record. * This is a stub-function that can be overloaded. */ function _read_post_process() { } /** * Pre-process data before writing a record. * This is a stub-function that can be overloaded. * @param $tags Reference to update/create tags, can be modified as needed */ function _write_pre_process(/* &$tags */) { } /** * Clear record */ function clear($pp = true) { foreach ((array)$this->_fields as $field => $dummy) unset($this->$field); unset($this->_data); unset($this->_key); $pp && $this->_read_post_process(); } /** * Semi-internal: send a raw SQL query and return mysql result value * @param $query complete SQL query string * @return raw MySQL result. May die if query fails and safety is big enough */ function query($query, $p = array()) { $p += $this->_p; $start = gettimeofday(); if ($p['server_update'] && !preg_match('/^(EXPLAIN|SELECT|SHOW) /i', $query)) { debug("switching to update server \"{$p['server_update']}\"", 5); $this->_p['server'] = $p['server'] = $p['server_update']; unset($this->_p['server_update'], $p['server_update'], $this->_link); } $this->_connect($p); # must be called after update server switching code debug("{$p['user']}@{$p['server']}:{$p['db']}" . '.' . get_class($this) . "::query(\"$query\")", 4); if (!($result = mysql_query($query, $this->_link)) && $p['safety']) { $errno = mysql_errno($this->_link); if (($p['safety'] < 2) && ($errno == 1062)) # Duplicate entry return false; if ($errno == 2006) # mysql server has gone away: retry { it::log('sqllog', "it_dbi(): reconnecting mysql_connect {$p['server']}, {$p['db']}"); $this->_connect(array('reconnect' => true)); $result = mysql_query($query, $this->_link); } if (!$result) $this->_fatal("query(\"$query\") failed"); } else if (preg_match('/^(CREATE|ALTER|DROP) /i', $query)) { # Purge cache for schema changes (after modifying table) $dbid = "{$p['user']}@{$p['server']}:{$p['db']}"; it_dbi::_state_purgeshared($dbid); } if ($GLOBALS['debug_sqllog']) { $end = gettimeofday(); $msec = round(($end['sec'] - $start['sec']) * 1000 + ($end['usec'] - $start['usec']) / 1000); $backtrace = EDC('sqltrace') ? it_debug::backtrace(1) : null; it::log('sqllog', rtrim("$msec\t$query\t$backtrace")); $this->_sqllog[] = array( 'time' => $msec, 'query' => $query, ) + ($backtrace ? array('backtrace' => $backtrace) : array()); } return $result; } /** * Read a single record by primary key, not destroying old query result $this->_result * @param $id primary key. If null, record is cleared * @return True if record could be read, false if not. */ function read($id=null) { $old_result = $this->_result; $old_nofetch = $this->_nofetch; $result = $this->select(array($this->_p['keyfield'] => $id)); $this->_result = $old_result; $this->_nofetch = $old_nofetch; return $result; } /** * Select a set of records from table and fetch the first one * @param $query One or more optional arrays of (field => value) or sqlstring pairs. Defaults to null (select all records) * Fields will be joined by AND * Fields can contain a compare operator: 'name LIKE' => "j%" or 'amount >' => 100 * Fields can start with - to prevent quoting of right side: '-modified' => "CURDATE()" * $query can contain magic field 'SELECT' for things like 'COUNT(*)' or 'DISTINCT foo', defaults to '*' * $query can contain magic field 'JOIN' for things like 'tableA LEFT JOIN tableB ON a=b', defaults to table name * $query can contain 'CALC_FOUND_ROWS', if true member var _found_rows contains number of matching rows before LIMIT * $query can contain 'NOFETCH', if true the first row is not prefetched (e.g. when directly using _result) * @return Number of matching rows, use iterate() to fetch the next record * @see iterate() * @see _where() */ function select(/* $query = array|string, ... */) { $query = array(); foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) $query = array_merge($query, (array)$arg); $this->_connect(); $result = 0; $calc_found_rows = false; $what = '*'; if (isset($query['SELECT'])) { $what = $query['SELECT']; unset($query['SELECT']); } $join = $this->_p['table']; if (isset($query['JOIN'])) # WARNING: this field gets abused for "tablename USE INDEX (fast2) { $join = $query['JOIN']; unset($query['JOIN']); } unset($this->_found_rows); if (isset($query['CALC_FOUND_ROWS']) && $query['CALC_FOUND_ROWS']) { $calc_found_rows = true; $what = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS '.$what; } unset($query['CALC_FOUND_ROWS']); # Always unset, so CALC_FOUND_ROWS => false doesn't generate bogus query $nofetch = $this->_nofetch = $query['NOFETCH']; unset($query['NOFETCH']); $this->clear(false); if ($this->_result = $this->query($sql = "SELECT $what FROM $join " . $this->_where($query, $this->_link))) { $result = mysql_num_rows($this->_result); if ($calc_found_rows) { list($count) = mysql_fetch_row($this->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()')); $this->_found_rows = intval($count); } if (!$this->iterate() && ($this->_p['safety'] >= 2)) $this->_fatal("select(): query produced no results: \"$sql\""); } $this->_nofetch = !$nofetch; return $result; } /** * Puts next result from previous select() in member variables * @return true if another record was fetched, false if no more records * @see select() */ function iterate() { if (!$this->_nofetch) { if ($this->_data = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->_result)) { foreach ($this->_data as $field => $value) $this->$field = isset($value) && $this->_isint[$field] ? ($this->_data[$field] = intval($value)) : $value; if (!empty($this->_p['keyfield'])) $this->_key = $this->_data[$this->_p['keyfield']]; } else $this->clear(false); $this->_read_post_process(); } else $this->_nofetch = false; return (bool)$this->_data; } /** * Insert a record into table. Values are taken from member vars and $tags. * After inserting, all values are valid (record is read back). * Does not destroy internal state of last select() call * @param $tags Additional key => value pairs (these have priority over member vars) */ function insert($tags = array(), $command = "INSERT") { $this->_connect(); /* Pre-processing, $tags is passed by reference and may be modified here */ $this->_write_pre_process($tags); if ($this->_p['randomid'] && !isset($tags[$this->_p['keyfield']])) $tags[$this->_p['keyfield']] = md5(uniqid(mt_rand())); $set = $this->_set($tags, true); if ($result = $this->query("$command INTO {$this->_p['table']} " . $set)) { $id = ($this->_p['autoincrement'] && !isset($tags[$this->_p['keyfield']])) ? mysql_insert_id($this->_link) : $tags[$this->_p['keyfield']]; if (!$this->read($id) && $this->_p['safety']) $this->_fatal("insert(): can't read record back (key truncated?), id=\"$id\""); } else $this->clear(false); return $result; } /** * Replace a record in a table * @param $tags Additional key => value pairs (these have priority over member vars) * Does not destroy internal state of last select() call * @see insert() */ function replace($tags = array()) { return $this->insert($tags, "REPLACE"); } /** * Update a record in a table * @param $tags Additional key => value pairs (these have priority over member vars) * Does not destroy internal state of last select() call */ function update($tags = array(), $query = null) { $this->_connect(); $result = true; /* Pre-processing, $tags is passed by reference and may be modified here */ $this->_write_pre_process($tags); if (!$query && !empty($this->_p['keyfield'])) $query = array($this->_p['keyfield'] => $this->_data[$this->_p['keyfield']]); if ($set = $this->_set($tags)) { if ($result = $this->query("UPDATE {$this->_p['table']} $set " . $this->_where($query, $this->_link))) { if (array_key_exists($this->_p['keyfield'], $tags)) # Did we just update the key? $this->_key = $tags[$this->_p['keyfield']]; if (isset($this->_key) && $this->read($this->_key)) $this->_nofetch = false; # So we can do while(iterate()) update(); } } return $result; } /** * Delete a record * Does not destroy query result $this->_result * @param $query optional query for WHERE, default: delete currently loaded record * @return number of deleted records */ function delete($query = null) { $this->_connect(); $result = 0; if (!$query && $this->_p['keyfield']) { $query = array($this->_p['keyfield'] => $this->_key); $this->clear(); } if ($query && $this->query("DELETE FROM {$this->_p['table']} " . $this->_where($query, $this->_link))) $result = mysql_affected_rows($this->_link); return $result; } /** * INTERNAL: Store information about a table's fields in $this->_fields, possibly from cache. * @return array(keyfield, autoincrement, randomid) */ function _get_field_info() { $result = array(); $dbid = "{$this->_p['user']}@{$this->_p['server']}:{$this->_p['db']}"; $state = it_dbi::_state_get($dbid); if (!($this->_fields = $state['fields'][$this->_p['table']])) { debug("it_dbi(): no fields for {$dbid}.{$this->_p['table']}, calculating.", 5); for ($res = $this->query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . $this->_p['table']); $res && ($field = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)); ) { $this->_fields[$field['Field']] = $field + array('Length' => preg_match('/date|time/', $field['Type']) ? 20 : intval(it::match('\d+', $field['Type']))); $this->_isint[$field['Field']] = $field['Type'] == "int(11)"; } $state['fields'][$this->_p['table']] = $this->_fields; $state['isint'][$this->_p['table']] = $this->_isint; it_dbi::_state_put($dbid, $state); } else # Existing _fields, copy other info too $this->_isint = $state['isint'][$this->_p['table']]; foreach((array)$this->_fields as $field) { if ($field['Key'] == 'PRI') { $result = array('keyfield' => $field['Field'], 'autoincrement' => (strpos($field['Extra'], "auto_increment") !== false), 'randomid' => (strpos($field['Type'], "char") !== false)); break; } } unset($GLOBALS['it_dbi']->_p['table'], $GLOBALS['it_dbi']->_p['keyfield']); # Remove cruft return $result; } function _state_get($dbid) { if (!($result = $GLOBALS['it_dbi']->_state[$dbid])) $result = $GLOBALS['it_dbi']->_state[$dbid] = (array)it_cache::get("dbi:$dbid"); #var_dump("get", $dbid, $result); return $result; } function _state_put($dbid, $state) { #var_dump("put", $dbid, $state); $GLOBALS['it_dbi']->_state[$dbid] = $state; it_cache::put("dbi:$dbid", array('link' => null) + (array)$state); # link is not transferable } function _state_purgeshared($dbid) { #var_dump("purgeshared", $dbid); it_cache::put("dbi:$dbid", array()); # Nuke shared cache } # # Implement PHP 5 Iterator interface to make foreach work # Example: foreach (new T_User('firstname' => "foo") as $foouser) { ... } # function current() { return $this; } function key() { return $this->_key; } function next() { $this->iterate(); } function rewind() { if (!$this->_result) # Object without query used in foreach $this->select(); # Only rewind if not already at start and results present if (!$this->_nofetch && mysql_num_rows($this->_result)) mysql_data_seek($this->_result, 0); $this->iterate(); } function valid() { return (bool)$this->_data; } } /* End class it_dbi */ ?>