// $Id$ var it_boot_status = "boot"; var it_panictimer = window.setTimeout("it_panic(it_boot_status)", 31337), it_domtimer; var it_starttime = new Date().getTime(); function it_catcherr(msg, url, line) { var stacktrace = ""; var callstack_done = false; try { i.dont.exist += 0; } // does not exist - that's the point catch (e) { if (e.stack) // Firefox { stacktrace = e.stack.replace(/^[^\n]*\n/,'').replace(/(\n@)?\s+$/,'$1').replace(/^\(/g,'{anonymous}(') + ';'; callstack_done = true; } else if (window.opera && e.message) // Opera { var entry, lines = e.message.split("\n"); for (var i=1, len=lines.length; i < len; i++) { if (lines[i].match(/^\s*[A-Za-z0-9\-_\$]+\(/)) { entry = lines[i]; // append next line also since it has the file info if (lines[i+1]) { entry += " at " + lines[i+1]; i++; } stacktrace += entry + '/'; } } callstack_done = true; } } if (!callstack_done) // IE and Safari { var fname, current_func = arguments.callee.caller; while (current_func) { fname = /function\s*([\w\-$]+)?\s*\(/.test(current_func.toString()) ? RegExp.$1 || 'anonymous' : 'anonymous'; stacktrace += fname + '/'; current_func = current_func.caller; } } if (typeof it_boot.sequence != 'undefined') { // trigger it_boot retry if error occured while evaluating loaded script if (it_boot.sequence == 'ble' && it_boot.file) { it_boot(it_boot.file, true); return true; } stacktrace += "it_boot=" + it_boot.sequence + ";it_boot_file=" + it_boot.file; } if (typeof window.it_loader != 'undefined' && it_loader.sequence) stacktrace += "it_loader=" + it_loader.sequence + ";"; it_boot_report(msg, url, line, stacktrace); return !window.env || !!window.env.is_live_server; // No env or live server -> suppress error } window.onerror = it_catcherr; function it_boot_addparam(url, param) { return url + (url.match(/\?/) ? "&" : "?") + param; } function it_panic(reason, msg) { if (!document.location.href.match(/[?&]static=/)) // Avoid loop window.setTimeout("document.location.href = it_boot_addparam(document.location.href, 'static=" + reason + "')", 500); return it_boot_report('panic ' + reason, '-', -1, (msg ? msg : '')); } function it_boot_report(msg, file, line, more) { window.clearTimeout(window.it_domtimer); window.clearTimeout(window.it_panictimer); new Image().src = "/itjs/error.gif/" + escape(msg) + "|" + escape(file) + "|" + line + "|" + (new Date().getTime() - it_starttime) + "|" + escape(more); } function it_boot_checkcss(style, key, value) { return navigator.userAgent.match(/konqueror/i) || (style && style.getPropertyValue && (style.getPropertyValue(key) == value)); } function it_boot_init() { it_boot.sequence += "i"; window.it_domtimer = null; var konqueror = navigator.userAgent.match(/konqueror/i); var doc = document; var dom = doc && (dom = doc.getElementById('it_boot_dom')); // HTML has been rendered var view = dom && doc.defaultView; // We can check if stylesheet is active var style = view && view.getComputedStyle && view.getComputedStyle(dom, ''); var css = window.it_boot_checkcss(style, "visibility", "hidden"); // CSS active (inline style on tag) var stylesheet = window.it_boot_checkcss(style, "display", "none"); // External stylesheet loaded if (!(doc || !(it_boot_status = "doc")) || !(dom || !(it_boot_status = "dom")) || (style && !(stylesheet || !(it_boot_status = "stylesheet")))) { window.it_domtimer = window.setTimeout("it_boot_init()" , 42); if (style && !css) it_panic("css"); return; } window.clearTimeout(window.it_panictimer); it_boot.sequence += "s"; window.it_boot_start(); it_boot.sequence = ""; } function it_boot(file, isretry) { it_boot.file = file; it_boot.sequence = isretry ? "r" : "b"; try { var loader = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { var classnames = [ 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP' ]; for (var i in classnames) try { loader = new ActiveXObject(classnames[i]); break; } catch (e) {} } if (loader) { it_boot.sequence += "l"; loader.open("GET", it_boot_addparam(file, "boot=1" + (isretry ? "&retry=1" : ""))); loader.onreadystatechange = function() { var error = ""; if (loader.readyState == 4) { if (loader.status < 400) // Opera gives back 304 if from cache { // check length cookie var ln = String(loader.responseText).substr(-16).match(/\*sln:\s*([0-9]+)\*/); if (ln && ln[1]-0 == loader.responseText.length) { it_boot.sequence += "e"; var code = loader.responseText; if (!window.env || !!window.env.is_live_server) code = "try {" + loader.responseText + "} catch (e) { it_catcherr(e.message, it_boot.file, -1); }"; // Wrapped in try/catch as Konqueror does not support window.onerror if (window.execScript) window.execScript(code, "javascript"); // IE work-around to get script executed in global scope else window.setTimeout(code, 0); // Standard compliant version } else error = (ln ? "length mismatch: "+ln[1]+" != "+loader.responseText.length : "no length cookie"); } else error = loader.statusText; if (error) { if (isretry) it_panic('load', error); else it_boot(file, true); } } } loader.send(null); } else { var doc = document; var dom = doc && (dom = doc.getElementById('it_boot_dom')); // HTML has been rendered it_boot.sequence += "n"; if (window.opera || (document.all && navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") >= 0)) document.write('<\/sc'+'ript>'); else if (dom) { var tag = doc.createElement("script"); tag.src = it_boot_addparam(file, 'boot=1&retry=1'); dom.appendChild(tag); } else window.it_domtimer = window.setTimeout("it_boot('" + file + "')" , 42); } }