/** * Create http loader to request data from server * * @param cb Callback function or object with keys 'object', 'method', ['errorhandler'] */ function it_http(cb) { this.instance = it_http.instances++; this.callback = cb ? cb : {}; this.req = null; this.scrpt = []; this.callid = 0; this.busy = false; // register global reference it_http['__inst' + this.instance] = this; } /* Methods */ it_http.prototype = { /* send GET request and trigger callback */ get: function(url, callback) { if (typeof callback != 'undefined') this.callback = callback; this.send(url, 'GET'); }, /* send POST request with data and trigger callback */ post: function(url, data, callback) { if (typeof callback != 'undefined') this.callback = callback; var postdata = ''; if (typeof data == 'object') { for (var k in data) postdata += (postdata ? '&' : '') + it_url_encode(k) + "=" + it_url_encode(data[k]); } else postdata = data; this.send(url, 'POST', postdata); }, /* private method that finally sends the request */ send: function(url, method, postdata) { this.stop(); this.busy = true; this.req = null; var samehost = (url.indexOf('http://') < 0 || url.indexOf(window.location.hostname) > 0); if (samehost) // use XMLHTTP request only if on same host { try { this.req = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { var classnames = [ 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP' ]; for (var i=0; i < classnames.length; i++) { try { this.req = new ActiveXObject(classnames[i]); break; } catch (e) { } } } try { this.req.open(method, url); var me = this; this.req.onreadystatechange = function() { me.ready_state_changed(); } var workingxmlhttp = this.req.onreadystatechange; if (!workingxmlhttp) /* Old Konqueror */ this.req = null; } catch (e) { } } this.starttime = new Date().getTime(); if (this.req) { if (method == "POST") this.req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); this.req.send(postdata); } else { url += (url.match(/\?/) ? "&" : "?") + "itjs_call=it_http.__inst" + this.instance + "&itjs_callid=" + (++this.callid) + (postdata ? '&' + postdata : ""); if (samehost || (window.opera && !window.XMLHttpRequest)) // Opera 7 only works with iframes { var scrpt = document.createElement("iframe"); scrpt.style.width = scrpt.style.height = 1; url += "&itjs_iframe=1"; } else { var scrpt = document.createElement("script"); this.req = { starttime: this.starttime }; try { this.scrpt[this.callid] = scrpt; if (!document.all) scrpt.src = url; document.body.appendChild(scrpt); if (document.all) scrpt.src = url; } catch (e) { return false; } } } return true; }, ready_state_changed: function() { var req = this.req; // Avoid race conditions if (req && (req.readyState == 4)) { var data = null; try { if (req.responseText != "") data = eval("(" + req.responseText + ")"); } catch (e) { // trigger error handler (if defined) if (typeof this.callback == 'object' && this.callback.errorhandler) { var obj = this.callback.object ? this.callback.object : window; if (typeof obj[this.callback.errorhandler] == 'function') obj[this.callback.errorhandler](req.responseText); } else ED(e, req.responseText); } if (data) this.dataReady(data, this.callid); this.unlink(this.callid); } }, dataReady: function(data, callid) { var fixkonqueror33gcbug = this.req; var loadtime = new Date().getTime() - this.starttime; this.req = null; if ((typeof data == "object") && (this.callid == callid)) { data.loadtime = loadtime; // trigger callback function if (typeof this.callback == 'function') this.callback(data); else if (typeof this.callback == 'object' && this.callback.method) { // it_set(data, this.callback); var obj = this.callback.object ? this.callback.object : window; if (typeof obj[this.callback.method] == 'function') obj[this.callback.method](data); } } }, stop: function() { try { this.req.abort(); } catch (e) { } this.unlink(this.callid); }, unlink: function(callid) { if (this.req) this.req = null; if (this.scrpt[callid]) { if (!(document.all && String(navigator.userAgent).indexOf('MSIE 5.0') > 0)) document.body.removeChild(this.scrpt[callid]); this.scrpt[callid] = null; } this.busy = false; } /* NO COMMA */ } // static properties it_http.instances = 0; // static methods it_http.get_instance = function() { var inst; for (var i=0; i < it_http.instances; i++) if ((inst = it_http['__inst'+i]) && inst.pub && !inst.busy) return inst; inst = new it_http(); inst.pub = true; return inst; } /* send GET request and trigger callback */ it_http.get = function(url, callback) { var inst = it_http.get_instance(); inst.callback = callback; inst.get(url); } /* send POST request and trigger callback */ it_http.post = function(url, postdata, callback) { var inst = it_http.get_instance(); inst.callback = callback; inst.post(url, postdata); }