* Example:
* * if (!it_mail::check_email($to))
*     die("Invalid email address '$to'\n");
* $mail = new it_mail(array('To' => $to, 'From' => 'itools@gna.ch', 'Subject' => 'Example'));
* $mail->add_body('Plain text message body');
* $mail->add_body('HTML message with <a href="http://gna.ch/">link</a>', IT_MAIL_HTML);
* $mail->send();
*/ class it_mail { var $header_names = array(); var $header_values = array(); var $body = array(); var $attachments = array(); var $to = array(); var $subject = ""; var $cc = array(); var $bcc = array(); var $flags = ""; var $charset = 'iso-8859-1'; /** * Construct a new email message. Headers and body can be added later. * Note: Headers To, Cc, Bcc can be arrays * @param $headers Array of headers for this email, e.g. From, To and Subject */ function it_mail($headers = "") { if (is_array($headers)) { foreach ($headers as $header => $value) $this->add_header($header, $value); } } /** * Add header line to the this email message. Can be called repeatedly. * Note: Headers To, Cc, Bcc can be arrays * @param $header Header to be added, e.g. Cc, Bcc or X-My-Header * @param $value Value of header, e.g. itools@gna.ch for Bcc header */ function add_header($header, $value) { $value = $this->header_escape($value); switch ($header) { case 'To': if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $val) $this->to[] = $val; } else $this->to[] = $value; break; case 'Subject': $this->subject .= $value; break; case 'Cc': if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $val) $this->cc[] = $val; } else $this->cc[] = $value; break; case 'Bcc': if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $val) $this->bcc[] = $val; } else $this->bcc[] = $value; break; case 'charset': $this->charset = $value; break; case 'Errors-To': $this->flags = "-f " . escapeshellarg(preg_replace('/.*<([^>]+)>.*/', '$1', $value)); /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: $this->header_names[] = $header; $this->header_values[] = $value; break; } } /** * Add body part to this email message. Can be called repeatedly. * @param $text Text to be added to email message * @param $type Type of text, one of IT_MAIL_PLAIN (default) or IT_MAIL_HTML */ function add_body($text, $type = IT_MAIL_PLAIN) { switch ($type) { case IT_MAIL_PLAIN: case IT_MAIL_HTML: $this->body[$type] .= $text; break; default: internal_error("it_mail::add_body invalid type $type"); break; } } /** * Add attachment to this email message. Can be called repeatedly. * @param $data Data to be attached * @param $name Name of attached file * @param $mimetype MIME-Type of attached file * @return 'cid:'.Content-ID of this attachment */ function add_attachment($data, $mimetype = "application/octet-stream", $name = '') { if ($name == '') $name = 'Attachment' . (count($this->attachments) + 1); $cid = md5(uniqid(rand())); $this->attachments[] = array ('mimetype' => $mimetype, 'data' => $data, 'encode' => $encode, 'name' => $name, 'cid' => $cid); return 'cid:'.$cid; } /** * Add file attachment to this email message. Can be called repeatedly. * @param $filename File to be attached * @param $name Name of attached file as stored in mail * @param $mimetype MIME-Type of attached file */ function add_file($filename, $mimetype = "application/octet-stream", $name = '') { if ($name == '') $name = basename($filename); if ($file = @fopen($filename, "r")) { if ($data = fread($file, @filesize($filename))) $result = $this->add_attachment($data, $mimetype, $name); fclose($file); } return $result; } /** * Send this email message * @return True if mail was sent */ function send() { $to = join(",", $this->to); $headers = array(); if (count($this->cc) > 0) $headers[] = "Cc: " . join(",", $this->cc); if (count($this->bcc) > 0) $headers[] = "Bcc: " . join(",", $this->bcc); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->header_names); $i++) $headers[] = $this->header_names[$i] . ': ' . $this->header_values[$i]; /* Automatically add doctype if none given */ if ($this->body[IT_MAIL_HTML] && !eregi('^body[IT_MAIL_HTML])) { $this->body[IT_MAIL_HTML] = '' . "\n" . $this->body[IT_MAIL_HTML]; } $headers[] = "MIME-Version: 1.0"; if ($this->attachments) { /* Attachments need multipart MIME mail */ $boundary1 = md5(uniqid(rand())); $mixedtype = "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$boundary1\""; $headers[] = $mixedtype; $text .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format."; $text .= "\n--$boundary1\n"; } /* Headers for plain and HTML content */ $plaintype = "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=".$this->charset."\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"; $htmltype = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=".$this->charset."\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"; if ($this->body[IT_MAIL_PLAIN]) { if ($this->body[IT_MAIL_HTML]) { $boundary2 = md5(uniqid(rand())); $alternativetype = "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"$boundary2\""; /* Plain and HTML */ if ($this->attachments) $text .= "$alternativetype\n\n"; else $headers[] = $alternativetype; $text .= "--$boundary2\n$plaintype\n\n"; $text .= $this->body[IT_MAIL_PLAIN]; $text .= "\n--$boundary2\n$htmltype\n\n"; $text .= $this->body[IT_MAIL_HTML]; $text .= "\n--$boundary2--\n"; } else { /* Just plain */ if ($this->attachments) $text .= "$plaintype\n\n"; else $headers[] = $plaintype; $text .= $this->body[IT_MAIL_PLAIN]; } } else if ($this->body[IT_MAIL_HTML]) { /* Just HTML */ if ($this->attachments) { if (strstr($this->body[IT_MAIL_HTML], "cid:")) { $boundary3 = md5(uniqid(rand())); $text .= "Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=\"$boundary3\"\n\n--$boundary3\n"; } $text .= "$htmltype\n\n"; } else $headers[] = $htmltype; $text .= $this->body[IT_MAIL_HTML]; } if ($this->attachments) { $text .= "\n"; $boundary = $boundary3 ? $boundary3 : $boundary1; foreach ($this->attachments as $attachment) { $text .= "\n--$boundary\nContent-Type: {$attachment['mimetype']}; name=\"{$attachment['name']}\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64\nContent-ID: <{$attachment['cid']}>\nContent-Disposition: inline; filename=\"{$attachment['name']}\"\n\n"; $text .= chunk_split(base64_encode($attachment['data'])); } if ($boundary3) $text .= "\n--$boundary3--\n\n"; $text .= "--$boundary1--\n"; } return mail($to, $this->subject, $text, join("\n", $headers), $this->flags); } /** * INTERNAL: Escape header line with ?=iso-8859-1? if necessary, e.g. in Subject line * @param $string String to be escaped * @return String escape suitable for sending in header line */ function header_escape($string) { return preg_replace('/[\x80-\xff]/e', "sprintf('=?iso-8859-1?Q?=%02X?=', ord('\\0'))", $string); } /** * Make string safe to be used in "$fullname <$email>": Remove illegal * characters and enclose in double quotes. * @param $string Fulle name to be escaped * @return String to be safely used in "$fullname <$email>" for To: etc. */ function fullname_escape($string) { return '"' . preg_replace('/["\x00-\x1f]/', '', $string) . '"'; } /** * INTERNAL: Send SMTP command and return true if result is 2XX * @param $fp Connection to SMTP server opened using fsockopen * @param $command Command to send, e.g. HELO gna.ch * @param $anwer String containing full answer from SMTP server * @param timeoutok Whether a timeout is considered ok * @param $failcode Lowest SMTP result code which is considered a failure (default 300) * @return True if SMTP result code is lower than $failcode * */ function send_smtp_cmd($fp, $cmd, &$answer, $timeoutok = false, $failcode = 300) { $result = false; $answer = ''; if (!$cmd || (!feof($fp) && fwrite($fp, "$cmd\r\n"))) { while (!feof($fp) && ereg('^(...)(.?)(.*)$', fgets($fp, 1024), $regs)) { $answer .= $regs[0]; $resultcode = intval($regs[1]); if ($regs[2] != '-') /* Multi line response? */ { if (($resultcode >= 100) && ($resultcode < $failcode)) $result = true; break; } } } /* A timeout can be considered ok for SLOW mail servers */ if ($answer == '') $result = $timeoutok; //echo ">>it_mail::send_smtp_cmd " . time() . " '$cmd' => $result: $answer"; return $result; } /** * Check if given email address is valid (syntax, MX record). If you set * checkmailbox to true it also connects to MX and asks if mailbox is valid. * Note: Connecting to the MX can be slow. * @param $email email to be check * @param $checkmailbox True if you want to connect to MX and check account * @return One of IT_MAIL_CHECKEMAIL_INVALID (0), IT_MAIL_CHECKEMAIL_MAILBOXFULL * or IT_MAIL_CHECKEMAIL_OK (both != 0). */ function check_email($email, $checkmailbox = true) { $result = IT_MAIL_CHECKEMAIL_INVALID; /* Check if username starts with www. or not well-formed => reject */ if (!ereg('^www\.', $email) && eregi('^[a-z0-9&_+.-]+@([a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]+)$', $email, $regs)) { $domain = $regs[1]; if (!getmxrr($domain, $mxhosts, $weights)) { /* If we find no MX we check if domain exists */ if (gethostbynamel($domain)) { $mxhosts = array($domain); $weights = array(1); } } if ($mxhosts) /* We need at least one valid MX */ { if ($checkmailbox) { $mx = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($mxhosts); $i++) $mx[$mxhosts[$i]] = $weights[$i]; asort($mx, SORT_NUMERIC); $port = getservbyname('smtp', 'tcp'); $from = 'itools@gna.ch'; /* Determine domain and email for test, skip if called as it_mail::check_email() */ if (is_object($this)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->header_names); $i++) { if ($this->header_names[$i] == 'From') { $from = $this->header_values[$i]; break; } } } if (eregi('@([a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]+)$', $from, $regs)) $fromdomain = $regs[1]; else $fromdomain = 'gna.ch'; $finished = false; $connected = 0; if (function_exists('stream_set_timeout')) $timeout = 'stream_set_timeout'; else $timeout = 'socket_set_timeout'; foreach ($mx as $mxhost => $weight) { //echo ">>it_mail::check_email: " . time() . " checking $mxhost\n"; if ($fp = @fsockopen($mxhost, $port, $errno, $errstr, 5)) { $connected++; $timeout($fp, 45); $answer = ''; if (it_mail::send_smtp_cmd($fp, '', $answer) && it_mail::send_smtp_cmd($fp, "HELO $fromdomain", $answer) && it_mail::send_smtp_cmd($fp, "MAIL FROM: <$from>", $answer)) { $timeout($fp, 2); $timeoutok = ($domain != 'bluewin.ch'); if (it_mail::send_smtp_cmd($fp, "RCPT TO: <$email>", $answer, $timeoutok, 500)) # 450 is often used for Greylisting $result = IT_MAIL_CHECKEMAIL_OK; else if (eregi('quota|full|exceeded storage', $answer)) $result = IT_MAIL_CHECKEMAIL_MAILBOXFULL; /* Do not try other MX if we got this far */ $finished = true; } $timeout($fp, 0, 1); it_mail::send_smtp_cmd($fp, 'RSET', $answer); it_mail::send_smtp_cmd($fp, 'QUIT', $answer); fclose($fp); } if ($finished) break; } /* If we cannot connect to _any_ MX it could be because of temporary overload / virus attack */ if (!$connected) $result = IT_MAIL_CHECKEMAIL_OK; } else $result = IT_MAIL_CHECKEMAIL_OK; } } return $result; } } ?>