#!/www/server/bin/php -qC url, 'http://www.relog.ch/', '$url->url' ); is( $url->protocol, 'http', '$url->protocol' ); is( $url->hostname, 'relog.ch', '$url->hostname' ); is( $url->realhostname, 'www.relog.ch', '$url->realhostname' ); is( $url->port, 80, '$url->port' ); is( $url->path, '', '$url->path' ); is( $url->user, 'falcon', '$url->user' ); is( $url->pass, 'joshua', '$url->pass' ); # and now check for path $url = new it_url('HTTP://falcon:joshua@www.Relog.CH:80/foo/bar.html'); is( $url->path, 'foo/bar.html', '$url->path' ); $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = "gna.ch"; is( it_url::absolute("/"), 'http://gna.ch:/', 'it_url::absolute basic' ); $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = 42; is( it_url::absolute("/port"), 'http://gna.ch:42/port', 'it_url::absolute with non-standard port' ); $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = true; $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = 443; is( it_url::absolute("/https"), 'https://gna.ch/https', 'it_url::absolute for https' ); $url = new it_url('http://www.gna.ch/'); $page = $url->get(); ok( strpos($page, ''), # UTF8SAFE '$url->get with url in constructor' ); $url = new it_url('http://bogus.url'); $page = $url->get('http://www.gna.ch/'); ok( strpos($page, ''), # UTF8SAFE '$url->get(url) with url as string arg' ); $url = new it_url('http://bogus.url'); $page = $url->get(array('url' => 'http://www.gna.ch/')); ok( strpos($page, ''), # UTF8SAFE '$url->get(\'url\' => url) with url as named arg' ); is( $url->result, 200, '$url->result = 200' ); is( $url->headers['Connection'], 'close', '$url->headers correctly set' ); unset($url, $page); $page = it_url::get('http://www.gna.ch/'); ok( strpos($page, ''), # UTF8SAFE 'it_url::get() static call' ); $server = proc_open( 'php -S localhost:8000 ' . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/it_url.testserver.php', array(0 => fopen('/dev/null', 'r'), 1 => fopen('/dev/null', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w')), $pipes ); usleep(100000); stream_set_blocking($pipes[2], 0); function server_output() { $result = array(); while (($result[] = trim(fgets($GLOBALS['pipes'][2])))) {}; return array_filter($result); } $res = is( it_url::get('http://localhost:8000/'), "Testserver root output", 'it_url::get() static call with port', ); $output = server_output(); if (!$res) diag($output); $res = is( it_url::get('http://localhost:8000/temp_redirect'), "Testserver output after temporary redirect", 'it_url::get() follows temproary redirect', ); $output = server_output(); if (!$res) diag($output); $res = is( it_url::get('http://localhost:8000/perm_redirect'), "Testserver output after permanent redirect", 'it_url::get() follows permanent redirect', ); $output = server_output(); if (!$res) diag($output); $res = is( it_url::get('http://localhost:8000/relative_redirect'), "Testserver output after relative redirect", 'TODO: it_url::get() follows relative redirect correctly', ); $output = server_output(); if (!$res) diag($output); $res = is( it_url::get('http://localhost:8000/nohost_redirect'), "Testserver output after nohost redirect", 'TODO: it_url::get() follows redirect without host correctly', ); $output = server_output(); if (!$res) diag($output); $res = ok( !it_url::get(U('http://localhost:8000/redirect_loop', 'num' => 10)), 'it_url::get() handles redirect loop', ); $output = server_output(); $last_num = it::match('num=(\d+)', end($output)); $res2 = ok( $last_num == 5, 'it_url::get() aborts redirect loop after 5 redirects', ); if (!$res || !$res2) diag($output); $res = ok( !it_url::get('url' => 'http://localhost:8000/does_not_exist', 'retries' => 4), 'it_url::get() retries on empty response', ); $output = server_output(); $res2 = ok( count(preg_grep('/^Got Request:/', $output)) == 5, 'it_url::get() respects set retry count', ); if (!$res || !$res2) diag($output); $res = is( it_url::get(U('http://localhost:8000/get_server_value', 'key' => 'HTTP_HOST')), 'localhost:8000', 'TODO it_url::get() sets correct Host header', ); $output = server_output(); if (!$res) diag($output); $res = is( it_url::get(U('http://localhost:8000/get_server_value', 'key' => 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE')), T_lang(), 'it_url::get() sets correct Accept-Language header', ); $output = server_output(); if (!$res) diag($output); $res = ok( it::match('Mozilla', it_url::get(U('http://localhost:8000/get_server_value', 'key' => 'HTTP_USER_AGENT'))), 'it_url::get() sets User-Agent containing Mozilla', ); $output = server_output(); if (!$res) diag($output); $pages = it_url::get_multi('urls' => array('a' => 'http://www.gna.ch/', 'b' => 'http://search.ch/')); ok(strpos($pages['a'], ''), 'it_url::get_multi got first url'); # UTF8SAFE ok(strpos($pages['b'], ''), 'it_url::get_multi got second url'); # UTF8SAFE is(count($pages), 2, 'it_url::get_multi no additional array elements'); proc_terminate($server); ?>