Class it:
* Convert an image to a given size and type (ensures input is an image)
* @param $p['in'] Input filename (mandatory)
* @param $p['out'] Output filename (mandatory)
* @param $p['size'] Width x height of resulting image, e.g. "160x60"
* @param $p['type'] Output file type, e.g. "jpg"
* @param $p['types'] Comma separated list of accepted input types, default "bmp,eps,gif,jp2,jpg,png,svg,tif"
* @param $p['quality'] JPEG quality (0-100), default is 75
* @param $p['keepalpha'] Don't add option --flatten to preserve alpha channel
* @param $p['pngcrush'] Use pngcrush for sm
* @param $p['-opts'] Custom command line options to ImageMagick convert
* @return Success of convert as true/false
static function imageconvert($p)
if (!(($imagetype = @exif_imagetype($p['in'])) && ($type = image_type_to_extension($imagetype, false))))
if (get_class((object)it_xml::create(it::fopen($p['in'], "r"), array('prefix' => "_imageconvert_", 'safety' => 0))) == "_imageconvert_svg")
$type = "svg"; # Accept SVG files if they are valid XML and root tag is svg
list(, $type) = explode(' ', strtolower(it::exec('identify 2>/dev/null {in}', $p))); # for things like eps
# emulate -auto-orient which is not supported by GM
if ($p['-opts']['-auto-orient'])
$exif = @exif_read_data($p['in'], 'IFD0');
switch ($exif['Orientation'])
case 2: $p['-opts']['-flop'] = true; break;
case 3: $p['-opts']['-rotate'] = 180; break;
case 4: $p['-opts']['-flip'] = true; break;
case 6: $p['-opts']['-rotate'] = 90; break;
case 8: $p['-opts']['-rotate'] = 270; break;
$type = strtr($type, array("jpeg" => "jpg", "tiff" => "tif", "ps" => "eps", "ept" => "eps"));
$p += array('type' => $type, 'types' => "bmp,eps,gif,jp2,jpg,png,svg,tif", 'quality' => 75);
$p['-opts'] = array('-thumbnail' => $p['size'], '-quality' => $p['quality']) + (array)$p['-opts'];
if (!$p['keepalpha'])
$p['-opts'] = array_merge(array('-flatten' => true), $p['-opts']); # Option -flatten must be first
if (in_array($type, explode(',', $p['types']))) # Valid type?
$cmdoutput = it::exec('( timeout 30s gm convert -limit threads 2 +profile "*" 2>&1 {-opts} {in} {type}:{out} || echo "SHELL ERROR $?" ) | grep -Ev "( iCCP: | Invalid SOS parameters for sequential JPEG | profile matches .* but writing .* instead | inconsistent chromacities )"', $p);
if ($p['pngcrush'] && $p['type'] == "png")
it::exec(' 2>/dev/null {out} {out}.tmp && mv {out}.tmp {out} || rm {out}.tmp', $p);
return $cmdoutput === "";