Class it_dbi:

 * Select a set of records from table and fetch the first one
 * @param $query Vararg. Arrays of (field => value) pairs or plain string query parts. Default: Select all
 *   Fields will be joined by AND
 *   Fields can contain a compare operator: 'name LIKE' => "j%" or 'amount >' => 100
 *   Fields can start with - to prevent quoting of right side: '-modified' => "CURDATE()"
 * @param $query['SELECT'] expression to be returned, e.g. 'SELECT' => 'DISTINCT foo'. defaults to '*'
 * @param $query['FROM'] table names to use for joins, e.g. 'FROM' => 'tableA LEFT JOIN tableB ON a=b'
 * @param $query['JOIN'] like 'FROM'
 * @param $query['CALC_FOUND_ROWS'] if true, if true member var _found_rows contains number of matching rows before LIMIT
 * @param $query['LIMIT'] max number of rows to return; false for no limit
 * @param $query['NOFETCH'] if true the first row is not prefetched (e.g. when directly using _result)
 * @return Number of matching rows, use iterate() to fetch the next record
 * @see iterate()
 * @see _where()
function select(...$args)
    $query = array();
    foreach ($args as $arg)
        $query = array_merge($query, (array)$arg);


    $result = 0;
    $calc_found_rows = false;

    $what = '*';
    if (isset($query['SELECT']))
        $what = $query['SELECT'];

    if (isset($query['CALC_FOUND_ROWS']) && $query['CALC_FOUND_ROWS'])
        $calc_found_rows = true;
        $what = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS '.$what;
    unset($query['CALC_FOUND_ROWS']);    # Always unset, so CALC_FOUND_ROWS => false doesn't generate bogus query

    if (EDC('nocache') && static::$_global_key == 'it_dbi')
        $what = 'SQL_NO_CACHE ' . $what;

    $nofetch = $this->_nofetch = $query['NOFETCH'];

    if ($this->_result = $this->query($sql = "SELECT $what " . $this->_from($query) . " " . $this->_where($query)))
        $result = $this->_num_rows($this->_result);

        if ($calc_found_rows)
            $count = $this->_fetch_assoc($this->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS count'))['count'];
            $this->_found_rows = intval($count);

        if (!$this->iterate() && ($this->_p['safety'] >= 2))
            $this->_fatal("select(): query produced no results", $sql);

    $this->_nofetch = !$nofetch;

    return $result;