Class it_debug:

 * Return short stackdump
 * @param $p['levels'] number of stack levels to return (default: 0 = all)
 * @param $p['skiplevels'] number of stack levels to omit
 * @param $p['skipfiles'] regular expression of filenames to omit
 * @param $p['trace'] Stack trace to compact
static function backtrace($p = array())
    $frames = $p['trace'] ?? ($p['format'] ? array_slice(debug_backtrace(0), $p['skiplevels']) : null);

    if ($p['format'] == "long")
        foreach ($frames as $frame)
            if ($tracesize < 100000 && ($tracesize += strlen(print_r($frame, true))) < 100000) # save mem
                $outframes[] = $frame;
        $result = $outframes ? print_r($outframes, true) . "\n" : null;
    else if ($p['format'] == "medium")
        foreach ($frames as $frame)
            $locations[] = basename($frame['file']) . ":" . $frame['line'];

            $argstrings = [];
            foreach ((array)$frame['args'] as $arg)
                $t = trim(it::replace(['^array \(\s*' => "[", ',\n\)$' => "]", '^array \( \)' => "[]", " +" => " ", "\n" => ""], var_export($arg, true)), " ,");
                $argstrings[] = strlen($t) < 60 ? $t : it::replace(["^(.{0,60} |.{0,60}).*" => '$1'], $t) . "..." . (is_array($arg) ? "]" : (is_object($arg) ? "}" :""));

            $allargs = join(", ", $argstrings);
            if ($frame['type'] == "->" || $frame['type'] == "::")
                $funcs[] = $frame['class'] . $frame['type'] . $frame['function'] . "($allargs)";
                $funcs[] = $frame['function'] ? $frame['function'] . "($allargs)" : "[inline]";

            $maxlen = max(it::map('strlen', $locations));

        foreach ($locations as $idx => $location)
            $result .= str_pad($location, $maxlen + 2) . $funcs[$idx] . "\n";
        foreach (self::debug_backtrace($p) as $frame)
            $fn = $frame['file'];
            $fn = (it::match('auto_prepend', $fn) ? basename(dirname(dirname($fn))) . "/" : (it::match('/(cgi|bin)/', $fn) ? basename(dirname($fn)) . "/" : "")) . basename($fn);
            if ($fn)
                $result[] = $fn . ":" . $frame['line'];

        $result = implode(" ", (array)$result);

    return $result;