diff options
authorChristian Weber2007-09-19 13:29:50 +0000
committerChristian Weber2007-09-19 13:29:50 +0000
commitc41569f1acccb73322daaf7ef27afa90343a7484 (patch)
parentdca2691f83365aa3f7a953b4c11c89ce2d76c5ce (diff)
time.pinc is obsolete. Finally. Requiescat in pace.
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 139 deletions
diff --git a/time.pinc b/time.pinc
deleted file mode 100644
index aa5421b..0000000
--- a/time.pinc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-** $Id$
-** time.pinc - Time routines for ISO/Unix/Human dates
-** ITools - the Internet Tools Library
-** Copyright (C) 1995-2003 by the ITools Authors.
-** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-** modify it under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
-** or the GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free
-** Software Foundation. See for details.
- * Get the current date
- * @see current_time, now
- * @return Current date in ISO (aka mysql) format: YYYY-MM-DD
- */
-function current_date()
- return date('Y-m-d');
- * Get the current time
- * @see current_date, now
- * @return Current time in ISO (aka mysql) format: HH:MM:SS
- */
-function current_time()
- return date('H:i:s');
- * Get the current date and time
- * @param $offset Optional offset in seconds (defaults to 0)
- * @return Current date and time in ISO (aka mysql) format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
- * @see current_date, current_time
- */
-function now($offset=0)
- return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()+$offset);
- * Calculate the number of days since January 1, 1970 for a given ISO date
- * @see mysqldatetoseconds
- * @param $date Date in ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD
- * @param $date Time in ISO format: HH:MM:SS
- * @return The supplied date as number of day since the start of the epoch
- */
-function mysqldatetounix($date, $time)
- $dfields = split('-', $date);
- $tfields = split(':', $time);
- $unixtime = intval(mktime($tfields[0], $tfields[1], $tfields[2], $dfields[1], $dfields[2], $dfields[0]));
- /* echo "$date $time --> " . $dfields[0] . "-" . $dfields[1] . "-" . $dfields[2] . " " . $tfields[0] . ":" . $tfields[1] . ":" . $tfields[2] . " ($unixtime sec)<br>\n"; */
- return $unixtime / 86400;
- * Calculate the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 for a given ISO date
- * WARNING: Works only for years less than about 2038
- * @see mysqldatetoseconds, it_date_mysqltimestamptounix
- * @param $datetime Date/time in ISO (aka mysql) format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
- * @return The supplied date as number of seconds since the start of the epoch
- */
-function mysqldatetoseconds($datetime)
- $dt = split(' ', $datetime);
- $dfields = split("-", $dt[0]);
- $tfields = split(":", $dt[1]);
- $unixtime = intval(mktime($tfields[0], $tfields[1], $tfields[2], $dfields[1], $dfields[2], $dfields[0]));
- /* echo "$datetime --> " . $dfields[0] . "-" . $dfields[1] . "-" . $dfields[2] . " " . $tfields[0] . ":" . $tfields[1] . ":" . $tfields[2] . " ($unixtime)<br>\n"; */
- return $unixtime;
- * Calculate the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 for a given mysql timestamp
- * (which is in format YYYYMMDDhhmmss). Ignores all non-numerical characters, so this
- * function can be used as a substitute for mysqldatetoseconds().
- * WARNING: Works only for years less than about 2038
- * @see mysqldatetoseconds, it_date_unixtomysqltimestamp
- * @param $ts Date/time in ISO (aka mysql) format: YYYYMMDDhhmmss
- * @return The supplied date as number of seconds since the start of the epoch
- */
-function it_date_mysqltimestamptounix($ts)
- $ts = ereg_replace('[^0-9]+', '', $ts);
- return intval(mktime(substr($ts, 8, 2), substr($ts, 10, 2), substr($ts, 12, 2), substr($ts, 4, 2), substr($ts, 6, 2), substr($ts, 0, 4)));
- * Convert the given UNIX timestamp to a mysql timestamp in format YYYYMMDDhhmmss.
- * WARNING: Works only for years less than about 2038
- * @see mysqldatetoseconds, it_date_mysqltimestamptounix
- * @param $ts Date/time in UNIX format (number of seconds since January 1, 1970)
- * @return The supplied date as YYYYMMDDhhmmss
- */
-function it_date_unixtomysqltimestamp($ts)
- return strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', $ts);
- * Return the supplied date/time in human-readable Swiss format
- * WARNING: Works only for years less than about 2038
- * @see swisstimestamp, mysqldatetoseconds
- * @param $datetime Date/time in ISO (aka mysql) format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
- * @return The supplied date/time formatted as "14.08.1966 06:15"
- */
-function swissdate($datetime)
- return strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M", mysqldatetoseconds($datetime));
- * Return the supplied UNIX timestamp in human-readable Swiss format
- * WARNING: Works only for years less than about 2038
- * @see swissdate, mysqldatetoseconds
- * @param $datetime Optional date/time in seconds from the beginning of the epoch (default is now)
- * @return The supplied date/time formatted as "14.08.1966 06:15"
- */
-function swisstimestamp($datetime = null)
- return strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M', isset($datetime) ? $datetime : time());